Elementary Schools in San Jose, CA - Page 4
There's 206 elementary schools found in San Jose, CA. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of San Jose schools on this page to choose from.
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List of San Jose Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in San Jose. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 151 to 200. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in San Jose. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
2249 Dobern Ave., San Jose, CA - 95116-3405
683 Sylvandale Ave., San Jose, CA - 95111-1414
1401 Turlock Ln., San Jose, CA - 95132-2347
2851 Gay Avenue, San Jose, CA - 95127
6280 Shadelands Dr., San Jose, CA - 95123-4645
1721 E. San Antonio St., San Jose, CA - 95116-3060
4660 Eastus Dr, San Jose, CA - 95129-3246
1290 Ridder Park Dr. Mc213, San Jose, CA - 95131-2304
1290 Ridder Park Dr. Mc273, San Jose, CA - 95131-2304
6200 Encinal Dr., San Jose, CA - 95119-1514
1313 Audubon Dr., San Jose, CA - 95122-3211
3850 Woodford Dr., San Jose, CA - 95124-3736
1280 Koch Ln., San Jose, CA - 95125-4199
3703 Silver Creek Rd, San Jose, CA - 95121-1947
1325 Bouret Dr, San Jose, CA - 95118-2408
890 E. William, San Jose, CA - 95116-3102
1800 Fruitdale Ave., San Jose, CA - 95128-4970
665 Wool Creek Dr., San Jose, CA - 95112-2617
5000 Farnsworth Dr., San Jose, CA - 95138-2336
6515 Grapevine Way, San Jose, CA - 95120-4020
520 Sands Dr, San Jose, CA - 95125-6233
2278 Booksin Ave, San Jose, CA - 95125-4701
15325 Woodard Rd, San Jose, CA - 95124-2797
4601 Hyland Ave, San Jose, CA - 95127-2098
1051 W San Fernando St, San Jose, CA - 95126-3084
300 Oconnor Dr, San Jose, CA - 95128-1641
51 N 9th St, San Jose, CA - 95112-3489
1565 S White Rd, San Jose, CA - 95127-4754
3150 Sierra Rd, San Jose, CA - 95132-2854
4645 Albany Dr, San Jose, CA - 95129-1108
3001 Ross Ave., San Jose, CA - 95124-2358
5000 Lyng Dr., San Jose, CA - 95111-2720
2605 Gassmann Dr., San Jose, CA - 95121-2812
6670 San Anselmo Way, San Jose, CA - 95119-1742
1100 Summerdale Dr, San Jose, CA - 95132-2934
1149 E. Julian St., San Jose, CA - 95116-1005
1300 Tallahassee Dr, San Jose, CA - 95122-3939
410 Sautner Dr, San Jose, CA - 95123-5252
3925 Pearl Ave, San Jose, CA - 95136-1531
5629 Lean Ave, San Jose, CA - 95123-3620
1200 Blossom Hill Rd, San Jose, CA - 95118-3104
1241 Mcginness Ave, San Jose, CA - 95127-4026
4121 Mackin Woods Ln, San Jose, CA - 95135-1159
995 Bard St, San Jose, CA - 95127-1103
2400 Flint Ave, San Jose, CA - 95148-1719
1450 Leigh Ave, San Jose, CA - 95125-5351
1311 Vinci Park Way, San Jose, CA - 95131-2792
715 Hellyer Ave., San Jose, CA - 95111-1584
14271 Story Rd., San Jose, CA - 95127-3823
102 Sonora Ave, San Jose, CA - 95110-1457
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Find in San Jose
Schools of San Jose are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find San Jose schools of that type.
- Preschools (29)
- Elementary Schools (206)
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- High Schools (66)
- Public Schools (233)
- Private Schools (54)
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