Elementary Schools in San Jose, CA - Page 2
There's 206 elementary schools found in San Jose, CA. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of San Jose schools on this page to choose from.
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List of San Jose Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in San Jose. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 51 to 100. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in San Jose. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
1060 E. Empire St., San Jose, CA - 95112-1715
1610 Bird Ave., San Jose, CA - 95125-1821
149 N. White Rd., San Jose, CA - 95127-1936
3010 Fowler Rd, San Jose, CA - 95135-1017
3000 Aborn Rd, San Jose, CA - 95135-1705
2800 New Jersey Ave, San Jose, CA - 95124-1556
15711 Woodard Rd., San Jose, CA - 95124-2668
4450 Mccoy Ave, San Jose, CA - 95130-2117
420 Tully Rd, San Jose, CA - 95111-1914
530 Gettysburg Dr., San Jose, CA - 95123-3234
725 Hellyer Ave., San Jose, CA - 95111-1523
502 Illinois Ave., San Jose, CA - 95125-1534
3750 Gleason Ave., San Jose, CA - 95130-1323
2350 Leigh Ave, San Jose, CA - 95124-1033
470 E. Jackson St., San Jose, CA - 95112-3211
6982 Shearwater Dr., San Jose, CA - 95120-2123
6044 Vera Cruz Dr., San Jose, CA - 95120-4863
4845 Bucknall Rd., San Jose, CA - 95130-2021
1290 Kimberly Dr., San Jose, CA - 95118-1536
1610 Bird Ave., San Jose, CA - 95125-1821
5035 Poston Dr., San Jose, CA - 95136-3348
2841 Jct Ave Ste 100, San Jose, CA - 95134-1921
5955 Blossom Ave., San Jose, CA - 95123-4032
2995 Rossmore Way, San Jose, CA - 95148-3527
1198 Redmond Ave, San Jose, CA - 95120-2770
3720 E. Hills Dr., San Jose, CA - 95127-2418
55 N. Seventh St., San Jose, CA - 95112-5429
1966 Flint Ave., San Jose, CA - 95148-1213
2220 Woodbury Ln., San Jose, CA - 95121-3233
1250 Taper Ln., San Jose, CA - 95122-2950
2798 S Bascom Ave, San Jose, CA - 95124
2010 Daniel Maloney Dr., San Jose, CA - 95121-1328
6560 Hanover Dr., San Jose, CA - 95129-3832
2025 Clarice Dr., San Jose, CA - 95122-1204
1250 S. King Rd., San Jose, CA - 95122-2146
423 Los Arboles St., San Jose, CA - 95111-2344
1250 S. King Rd., San Jose, CA - 95122-2146
3975 Mira Loma, San Jose, CA - 95111-3520
2095 Warmwood Ln., San Jose, CA - 95132-1251
4250 Latimer Ave., San Jose, CA - 95130-1400
4115 Jacksol Dr Bldg 3, San Jose, CA - 95124-3312
1001 Schhouse Rd., San Jose, CA - 95138-1374
4000 Rhoda Dr., San Jose, CA - 95117-3225
4849 Pearl Ave., San Jose, CA - 95136-2725
2790 S King Rd, San Jose, CA - 95122-1354
5300 Carter Ave., San Jose, CA - 95118-2813
100 Kirk Ave., San Jose, CA - 95127-2295
6130 Silberman Ave., San Jose, CA - 95120-3931
455 Los Arboles St., San Jose, CA - 95111-2399
121 Avenida Grande, San Jose, CA - 95139-1107
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Find in San Jose
Schools of San Jose are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find San Jose schools of that type.
- Preschools (29)
- Elementary Schools (206)
- Middle Schools (105)
- High Schools (66)
- Public Schools (233)
- Private Schools (54)
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