Elementary Schools in San Jose, CA - Page 3
There's 206 elementary schools found in San Jose, CA. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of San Jose schools on this page to choose from.
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List of San Jose Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in San Jose. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 101 to 150. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in San Jose. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
625 S. Seventh St., San Jose, CA - 95112-3829
1711 E. San Antonio St., San Jose, CA - 95116-3041
4 Wabash Ave., San Jose, CA - 95128-1931
13901 Nordyke Dr., San Jose, CA - 95127-3138
881 S. Cypress Ave., San Jose, CA - 95117-2508
1855 Majestic Way, San Jose, CA - 95132-1940
5050 Moorpark Ave., San Jose, CA - 95129-2136
651 Macredes Ave., San Jose, CA - 95116-3257
651 Dana Ave., San Jose, CA - 95126-2003
750 N Capitol Ave Bldg D, San Jose, CA - 95133-1944
3311 Lucian Ave., San Jose, CA - 95127-1544
3200 Millbrook Dr., San Jose, CA - 95148-3681
3435 Birchwood Ln, San Jose, CA - 95132-1308
1055 S. Monroe St., San Jose, CA - 95128-3150
1940 Cunningham Ave, San Jose, CA - 95122-1798
14275 Candler Dr., San Jose, CA - 95127-4157
1188 Wunderlich Dr., San Jose, CA - 95129-3163
1101 Strayer Dr., San Jose, CA - 95129-4065
3466 Grossmont Dr., San Jose, CA - 95132-3119
1755 Gilda Way, San Jose, CA - 95124-6207
2760 E. Trimble Rd., San Jose, CA - 95132-1055
3241 Remington Way, San Jose, CA - 95148-2757
2655 Alvin Ave., San Jose, CA - 95121-1609
1680 Foley Ave., San Jose, CA - 95122-2213
5920 Bufkin Dr., San Jose, CA - 95123-4308
1170 Foxworthy Ave, San Jose, CA - 95118-1209
4343 Leigh Ave, San Jose, CA - 95124-3616
921 Fox Ln., San Jose, CA - 95131-1602
1855 Lencar Way, San Jose, CA - 95124-3603
897 Broadleaf Ln, San Jose, CA - 95128-1314
330 Bluefield Dr., San Jose, CA - 95136-2100
484 E. San Fernando St., San Jose, CA - 95112-2621
3500 Amber Dr, San Jose, CA - 95117-2904
4950 Mitty Way, San Jose, CA - 95129-1867
6990 Melvin Dr., San Jose, CA - 95129-2858
4245 Meg Dr., San Jose, CA - 95136-1959
1351 Lightland Rd., San Jose, CA - 95121-2663
1524 Jacob Ave., San Jose, CA - 95118-1613
4415 Fortran Ct, San Jose, CA - 95134-2308
1088 Brd.way, San Jose, CA - 95125-2232
1602 Lucretia Ave., San Jose, CA - 95122-3812
3411 Rocky Mountain Dr., San Jose, CA - 95127-4853
2960 Story Rd., San Jose, CA - 95116-3925
198 W. Alma Ave., San Jose, CA - 95110-3631
370 Wooster St., San Jose, CA - 95116-1095
70 S. Jackson Ave., San Jose, CA - 95116-2506
331 S. 34th St., San Jose, CA - 95116-2905
788 Locust St., San Jose, CA - 95110-2954
950 Owsley Ave., San Jose, CA - 95122-3109
3173 Senter Rd., San Jose, CA - 95111-1332
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Find in San Jose
Schools of San Jose are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find San Jose schools of that type.
- Preschools (29)
- Elementary Schools (206)
- Middle Schools (105)
- High Schools (66)
- Public Schools (233)
- Private Schools (54)
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