High Schools in Philadelphia, PA
There's 130 high schools found in Philadelphia, PA. This is 30% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Philadelphia schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Philadelphia High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in Philadelphia. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays high schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more high schools in Philadelphia. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific high schools from the list.
1100 Catharine St, Philadelphia, PA - 19147-2622
169 Conarroe St, Philadelphia, PA - 19127-1335
1501 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19122-3712
5538 B Wayne Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19144-3360
11201 Academy Rd, Philadelphia, PA - 19154-3397
11081 Knights Road, Philadelphia, PA - 19154
4322 North 5th Street, Philadelphia, PA - 19140
2401 South 67th St, Philadelphia, PA - 19142-2298
4030 Brown Street, Philadelphia, PA - 19104
2322 E Lehigh Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19125-216
1101 North 4th St, Philadelphia, PA - 19123-1550
5501 Cedar Avenue, Philadelphia, PA - 19143
6501 Limekiln Pike, Philadelphia, PA - 19138
13500 Philmont Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19116-1118
1600 West Norris St, Philadelphia, PA - 19121-3324
1700 West Olney Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19141-1105
1100 East Erie Avenue, Philadelphia, PA - 19124
18 South 7th St, Philadelphia, PA - 19106-2314
901 South Broad St, Philadelphia, PA - 19147-3601
5218 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA - 19141
2150 West Lehigh Avenue, Philadelphia, PA - 19132-2648
151 West Luzerne Street, Philadelphia, PA - 19140-2732
301 West Hunting Park Avenue, Philadelphia, PA - 19140
4261 North 5th Street, Philadelphia, PA - 19140
5541 Baltimore Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19143-2841
3301 Solly Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19136-2396
5500 Langdon Street, Philadelphia, PA - 19111-5843
6807 Rising Sun Avenue, Philadelphia, PA - 19111
4300 Tacony Street, Philadelphia, PA - 19124
5000 Oxford Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19124-2610
550 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA - 19130-4016
616 North 15th St, Philadelphia, PA - 19130-3408
5301 Tacony St Building 108, Philadelphia, PA - 19137-2308
2027 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA - 19103
1900 S 3rd St, Philadelphia, PA - 19148-2635
23rd And Ritner Sts, Philadelphia, PA - 19145
31 W Coulter St, Philadelphia, PA - 19144-2801
1400 W Olney Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19141-2316
1200 W Alleghency, Philadelphia, PA - 19135-1307
1100 E. Mt. Pleasant Ave., Philadelphia, PA - 19150
6707 Old York Rd, Philadelphia, PA - 19126-2841
6063 Drexel Rd, Philadelphia, PA - 19131-1217
6026 Drexel Rd Rear, Philadelphia, PA - 19131-1218
6201 N. 21st Street, Philadelphia, PA - 19138-2597
5500 Tabor Ave # 2, Philadelphia, PA - 19120-2124
5500 Tabor Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19120-2124
5301 Wynnefield Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19131
1901 N. Front St, Philadelphia, PA - 19122
2463 Emerald St, Philadelphia, PA - 19125-1236
2501 Coral St, Philadelphia, PA - 19125
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Find in Philadelphia
Schools of Philadelphia are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Philadelphia schools of that type.
- Preschools (143)
- Elementary Schools (329)
- Middle Schools (268)
- High Schools (130)
- Public Schools (304)
- Private Schools (123)
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