High Schools in Philadelphia, PA - Page 3
There's 130 high schools found in Philadelphia, PA. This is 30% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Philadelphia schools on this page to choose from.
Philadelphia Map with High Schools
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List of Philadelphia High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in Philadelphia. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays high schools from record 101 to 130. Navigate through other pages to find more high schools in Philadelphia. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific high schools from the list.
2501 Kensington Avenue, Philadelphia, PA - 19124-1321
7100 Henry Avenue, Philadelphia, PA - 19128-1403
5800 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA - 19139-3836
1680-82 Bridge St, Philadelphia, PA - 19124-1303
4021 Parkside Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19104
1482 Green St, Philadelphia, PA - 19130
2101 S Broad St, Philadelphia, PA - 19148-2541
500 W Willow Grove Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19118-4198
7320 Torresdale Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19136-4104
1733 W Girard Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19130-1513
3133 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19132-1160
2750 Red Lion Rd, Philadelphia, PA - 19114-1014
1330 Rhawn Street, Philadelphia, PA - 19111
6063 Drexel Rd, Philadelphia, PA - 19131-1296
2221 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA - 19132-4530
8400 Pine Rd, Philadelphia, PA - 19111-1384
315 South 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA - 19103
122 W Erie Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19140
111 N 49th St, Philadelphia, PA - 19139-2718
5925 Malvern Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19131
440 North Broad Street #G3, Philadelphia, PA - 19130
2000 N 7th St, Philadelphia, PA - 19122
221 S Hanson St, Philadelphia, PA - 19139
3301 Tasker Street, Philadelphia, PA - 19145
801 South 15th Street, Philadelphia, PA - 19146
2300 W Master St, Philadelphia, PA - 19121
10175 Bustleon Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19116-5203
4901 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA - 19139-4403
1450 West Olney Ave, Philadelphia, PA - 19141-2316
1231 North Broad St 5th Floor, Philadelphia, PA - 19122-4021
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Find in Philadelphia
Schools of Philadelphia are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Philadelphia schools of that type.
- Preschools (143)
- Elementary Schools (329)
- Middle Schools (268)
- High Schools (130)
- Public Schools (304)
- Private Schools (123)
Find High Schools in Pennsylvania
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