Private Schools in Chicago, IL - Page 4
There's 245 private schools found in Chicago, IL. This is 27% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Chicago schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Chicago Private Schools
Following is the list of all private schools found in Chicago. The private schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays private schools from record 151 to 200. Navigate through other pages to find more private schools in Chicago. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific private schools from the list.
4437 N Seeley Ave, Chicago, IL - 60625-1703
7500 W Talcott Ave, Chicago, IL - 60631-3705
1800 W Balmoral Ave, Chicago, IL - 60640-1002
5401 S Wentworth, 2nd Floor-east, Chicago, IL - 60609
5401 S Wentworth, 2nd Fl E, Chicago, IL - 60609
2926 E 96th St, Chicago, IL - 60617-5010
6250 N Sheridan Rd, Chicago, IL - 60660-1730
2018 N Richmond St, Chicago, IL - 60647-3911
1954 W 48th St, Chicago, IL - 60609-4101
5750 N Rogers Ave, Chicago, IL - 60646
1510 N Claremont Ave, Chicago, IL - 60622-1710
6245 S Ingleside Ave, Chicago, IL - 60637-2621
7550 S Phillips Ave, Chicago, IL - 60649-3724
1021 E 83rd St, Chicago, IL - 60619-5505
47 W Polk St Ste G15, Chicago, IL - 60605-2768
4326 N California Ave, Chicago, IL - 60618-1514
2643 S Central Park Ave, Chicago, IL - 60623-4631
9037 S Harper Ave, Chicago, IL - 60619-7999
1710 W Addison St, Chicago, IL - 60613-3501
1332 N Massasoit Ave 1, Chicago, IL - 60651
10121 S Longwood Dr, Chicago, IL - 60643-2098
4440 W 83rd St, Chicago, IL - 60652-2111
3900 N Leavitt St, Chicago, IL - 60618-3894
3920 N Leavitt St, Chicago, IL - 60618-3810
4839 S Harding Ave, Chicago, IL - 60632-3694
3333 W 110th St, Chicago, IL - 60655-2793
2524 N Orchard St, Chicago, IL - 60614-2538
5841 W Strong St, Chicago, IL - 60630-2026
4343 W Sunnyside Ave, Chicago, IL - 60630-4198
6040 W Ardmore Ave, Chicago, IL - 60646-5320
8734 S Paulina St, Chicago, IL - 60620-4896
7930 W Foster Ave, Chicago, IL - 60656-1651
3131 N Mason Ave, Chicago, IL - 60634-5198
3535 N Panama Ave, Chicago, IL - 60634-2927
10155 S Ewing Ave, Chicago, IL - 60617-6095
4500 S Wallace St, Chicago, IL - 60609-3536
5515 S Sawyer Ave, Chicago, IL - 60629-3125
4854 W Montana St, Chicago, IL - 60639-2531
2347 W Augusta Blvd, Chicago, IL - 60622-4841
5614 N Fairfield Ave, Chicago, IL - 60659-4896
1076 W Roosevelt Rd, Chicago, IL - 60608-1531
2101 N Fremont St, Chicago, IL - 60614-4305
5201 S Mcvicker Ave, Chicago, IL - 60638-1497
2801 S Princeton Ave, Chicago, IL - 60616-2602
2511 W Logan Blvd, Chicago, IL - 60647-1926
10212 S Vernon Ave, Chicago, IL - 60628-2216
10200 S Washtenaw Ave, Chicago, IL - 60655-3899
4939 W Montrose Ave, Chicago, IL - 60641-1583
2245 N Southport Ave 1, Chicago, IL - 60614
2219 E 79th St, Chicago, IL - 60649-5016
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- Preschools (540)
- Elementary Schools (681)
- Middle Schools (631)
- High Schools (240)
- Public Schools (658)
- Private Schools (245)
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