Private Schools in Chicago, IL - Page 2
There's 181 private schools found in Chicago, IL. This is 22% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Chicago schools on this page to choose from.
Chicago Map with Private Schools
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List of Chicago Private Schools
Following is the list of all private schools found in Chicago. The private schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays private schools from record 51 to 100. Navigate through other pages to find more private schools in Chicago. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific private schools from the list.
350 E S Water St, Chicago, IL - 60601-4010
1726 W Berteau Ave, Chicago, IL - 60613-1811
3740 W Belden Ave, Chicago, IL - 60647-2399
2725 N Laramie Ave, Chicago, IL - 60639-1615
4106 W 28th St, Chicago, IL - 60623-4358
718 S Independence Blvd, Chicago, IL - 60624-3626
3232 N Elston Ave, Chicago, IL - 60618-5828
3021 W Devon Ave, Chicago, IL - 60659-1405
5730 W Roosevelt Rd, Chicago, IL - 60644-1580
3415 W Arthington St, Chicago, IL - 60624-4104
1443 W Division St, Chicago, IL - 60642-2484
4821 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL - 60651-3224
6254 S Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL - 60637-2616
3333 W Peterson Ave, Chicago, IL - 60659-3728
6435 W Belmont Ave, Chicago, IL - 60634-3924
7263 W Talcott Ave, Chicago, IL - 60631-3012
363 W Hill St, Chicago, IL - 60610
114 S Racine Ave, Chicago, IL - 60607-2895
3921 W Gladys, Chicago, IL - 60624
1501 N Oakley Blvd, Chicago, IL - 60622-1850
6287 S Archer Ave, Chicago, IL - 60638-2547
1531 N Dearborn Pkwy, Chicago, IL - 60610
7901 S Sangamon St, Chicago, IL - 60620-2532
4217 W 16th St, Chicago, IL - 60623-1998
108 W Germania Pl, Chicago, IL - 60610-2980
5926 W Madison St, Chicago, IL - 60644-3722
6350 N Whipple St, Chicago, IL - 60659-1478
2756 W Morse Ave, Chicago, IL - 60645-4519
1929 W Wilson Ave, Chicago, IL - 60640
2920 S Wabash Ave, Chicago, IL - 60616
3465 N Cicero Ave, Chicago, IL - 60641-3719
2060 W Granville Ave, Chicago, IL - 60659-3097
1335 W Randolph St, Chicago, IL - 60607-1529
3575 S Archer Ave, Chicago, IL - 60609-1169
2153 W 111th St, Chicago, IL - 60643-3917
3737 W 99th St, Chicago, IL - 60655-3135
6410 S Dante Ave, Chicago, IL - 60637-3896
1434 W Division St, Chicago, IL - 60642-3754
6737 W Forest Preserve Ave, Chicago, IL - 60634-1470
2017 W Montrose Ave, Chicago, IL - 60618-1713
7318 N Oakley Ave, Chicago, IL - 60645-1810
9440 S Vincennes Ave, Chicago, IL - 60620-3680
2446 N Ridgeway Ave, Chicago, IL - 60647-2325
9050 S Burley Ave, Chicago, IL - 60617-4403
2235 S Albany Ave, Chicago, IL - 60623-3414
2228 S Whipple St, Chicago, IL - 60623-3425
7151 W Cornelia Ave, Chicago, IL - 60634-3682
7101 N Greenview Ave, Chicago, IL - 60626-2628
640 W Irving Park Rd, Chicago, IL - 60613-0030
4300 N Winchester Ave, Chicago, IL - 60613-1016
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Find in Chicago
Schools of Chicago are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Chicago schools of that type.
- Preschools (504)
- Elementary Schools (625)
- Middle Schools (595)
- High Schools (222)
- Public Schools (657)
- Private Schools (181)
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