Elementary Schools in Brooklyn, NY
There's 469 elementary schools found in Brooklyn, NY. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Brooklyn schools on this page to choose from.
Brooklyn Map with Elementary Schools
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List of Brooklyn Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Brooklyn. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in Brooklyn. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
195 State St, Brooklyn, NY - 11201-5757
225 Adelphi Street, Brooklyn, NY - 11205
50 Avenue P, Brooklyn, NY - 11204
350 Linwood Street, Brooklyn, NY - 11208
982 Hegeman Avenue, Brooklyn, NY - 11208
2021 Bergen Street, Brooklyn, NY - 11233
790 East New York Avenue, Brooklyn, NY - 11203
557 Pennsylvania Avenue, Brooklyn, NY - 11207
510 Waverly Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11238-2702
800 Van Siclen Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11207
200 Woodbine St, Brooklyn, NY - 11221
601 Parkside Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11226
1300 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, NY - 11237
2433 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY - 11235-6198
1629 E 15th St, Brooklyn, NY - 11229-1146
675 4th Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11232-1241
212 Hicks St, Brooklyn, NY - 11201-4110
275 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11213-3402
242a Albany Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11213-2702
1020 56th St, Brooklyn, NY - 11219-4453
1353 50th St, Brooklyn, NY - 11219-3549
5301 14th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY - 11219
62 Harrison Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11211
1681 42 St, Brooklyn, NY - 11204
4419 18th Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11204-1200
1371 46th St, Brooklyn, NY - 11219-2140
5302 21st Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11204-1747
556 Columbia St, Brooklyn, NY - 11231-1910
6324 7th Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11220-4712
800 Gates Ave4th Fl, Brooklyn, NY - 11221-2203
82 Lewis Avenue, Brooklyn, NY - 11206
671 Louisiana Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11239-1514
215 Heyward Street, Brooklyn, NY - 11206
31 Division Avenue, Brooklyn, NY - 11249
181 Lincoln Pl, Brooklyn, NY - 11217-3702
2166 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11223-3332
85 Parkville Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11230-1018
457 Grand Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11238-2712
2937 86th St, Brooklyn, NY - 11223-4603
799 Kent Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11205-1517
971 41st St, Brooklyn, NY - 11219
127 Wallabout St, Brooklyn, NY - 11206-5462
68-84 Harrison Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11211
600 Mcdonald Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11218
280 Hart St, Brooklyn, NY - 11206
3867 Shore Parkway, Brooklyn, NY - 11235
325 South 3rd Street, Brooklyn, NY - 11211
443 Saint Marks Avenue, Brooklyn, NY - 11238
205 Rockaway Parkway, Brooklyn, NY - 11212
111 Remsen St, Brooklyn, NY - 11201-4212
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Find in Brooklyn
Schools of Brooklyn are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Brooklyn schools of that type.
- Preschools (319)
- Elementary Schools (469)
- Middle Schools (335)
- High Schools (236)
- Public Schools (572)
- Private Schools (179)
Find Elementary Schools in New York
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