Elementary Schools in Brooklyn, NY - Page 6
There's 469 elementary schools found in Brooklyn, NY. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Brooklyn schools on this page to choose from.
Brooklyn Map with Elementary Schools
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List of Brooklyn Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Brooklyn. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 251 to 300. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in Brooklyn. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
87 Bay 49th St, Brooklyn, NY - 11214-6921
580 Hegeman Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11207-7098
2944 Pitkin Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11208-3427
415 Ave S, Brooklyn, NY - 11223-2900
350 Ave X, Brooklyn, NY - 11223-5991
1100 Newkirk Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11230-1416
1060 Clarkson Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11212-2099
791 Empire Blvd, Brooklyn, NY - 11213
3301 Quentin Rd, Brooklyn, NY - 11234-4296
755 Wortman Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11208-5599
1075 Oceanview Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11235-5405
6006 23rd Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11204-2610
1400 Benson Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11228-2699
545 Willoughby Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11206-6815
1 Albemarle Rd, Brooklyn, NY - 11218
5601 16th Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11204
9301 Ave B, Brooklyn, NY - 11236-1199
525 Lenox Rd, Brooklyn, NY - 11203-2014
6302 Ave U, Brooklyn, NY - 11234-5999
1633 E 8th St, Brooklyn, NY - 11223-1242
427 38th St, Brooklyn, NY - 11232
976 President St, Brooklyn, NY - 11225
1580 Dean St, Brooklyn, NY - 11213
5404 Tilden Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11203-4699
249 E 17th St, Brooklyn, NY - 11226-3202
7000 21st Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11204-2294
18 Marlborough Rd, Brooklyn, NY - 11226
787 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11221
108 Montrose Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11206-2008
1037 E 54th St, Brooklyn, NY - 11234-1600
1801 Ave Y, Brooklyn, NY - 11235-3500
1866 E 17th St, Brooklyn, NY - 11229
114 Kosciusko St, Brooklyn, NY - 11216
60 Cook St, Brooklyn, NY - 11206-4025
1014 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11221
314 Pacific St, Brooklyn, NY - 11201
500 Macon St, Brooklyn, NY - 11233
371 89th St, Brooklyn, NY - 11209
133 E 53rd St, Brooklyn, NY - 11203-2599
241 Emerson Pl, Brooklyn, NY - 11205
101-24 Seaview Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11236-5599
923 Jerome St, Brooklyn, NY - 11207-8997
800 Bushwick Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11221
1070 E 83rd St, Brooklyn, NY - 11236-4500
2529 Gerritsen Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11229-5999
1070 E 104th St, Brooklyn, NY - 11236-4500
180 6th Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11217
50 Navy St, Brooklyn, NY - 11201
2950 W 25th St, Brooklyn, NY - 11224-2216
900 St Marks Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11213
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Find in Brooklyn
Schools of Brooklyn are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Brooklyn schools of that type.
- Preschools (319)
- Elementary Schools (469)
- Middle Schools (335)
- High Schools (236)
- Public Schools (572)
- Private Schools (179)
Find Elementary Schools in New York
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