Middle Schools in Bronx, NY - Page 4
There's 209 middle schools found in Bronx, NY. This is more than one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Bronx schools on this page to choose from.
Bronx Map with Middle Schools
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List of Bronx Middle Schools
Following is the list of all middle schools found in Bronx. The middle schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays middle schools from record 151 to 200. Navigate through other pages to find more middle schools in Bronx. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific middle schools from the list.
564 Jackson Ave, Bronx, NY - 10455
3040 Roberts Ave, Bronx, NY - 10461-5197
3540 Bivona St, Bronx, NY - 10475
950 Rhinelander Ave, Bronx, NY - 10462-3414
980 Mace Ave, Bronx, NY - 10469-4699
3961 Hillman Ave, Bronx, NY - 10463-3099
1220 Gerard Ave, Bronx, NY - 10452
345 Brook Ave, Bronx, NY - 10454
2365 Waterbury Ave, Bronx, NY - 10462
3050 Webster Ave, Bronx, NY - 10458
3202 Steuben Ave, Bronx, NY - 10467
758 Courtlandt Ave, Bronx, NY - 10451
250 E 156th St, Bronx, NY - 10451
1701 Fulton Ave, Bronx, NY - 10457
1640 Bronxdale Ave, Bronx, NY - 10462
1122 Forest Ave, Bronx, NY - 10456-5498
660 W 237th St, Bronx, NY - 10463-1499
95 W 168th St, Bronx, NY - 10452-3402
1510 Zerega Ave, Bronx, NY - 10462-5412
1025 Morrison Ave, Bronx, NY - 10472
977 Fox St, Bronx, NY - 10459-3396
250 E 164th St, Bronx, NY - 10456
885 Bolton Ave, Bronx, NY - 10473
778 Forest Ave, Bronx, NY - 10456
164 Bruckner Blvd, Bronx, NY - 10454
977 Fox St, Bronx, NY - 10459
333 E 135th St, Bronx, NY - 10454
3458 Third Ave, Bronx, NY - 10456
766 Westchester Ave, Bronx, NY - 10455
1000 Teller Ave, Bronx, NY - 10456
360 E 145th St, Bronx, NY - 10454
266 E 163rd St, Bronx, NY - 10451-3215
830 Southern Blvd, Bronx, NY - 10459-5299
1016 Edison Ave, Bronx, NY - 10465-2199
2962 Harding Ave, Bronx, NY - 10465-3435
1711 Haight Ave, Bronx, NY - 10461-1401
590 W 235th St, Bronx, NY - 10463-1647
2050 Benedict Ave, Bronx, NY - 10462-4497
740 Manida St, Bronx, NY - 10474-5808
1144 Hoe Ave, Bronx, NY - 10459-1995
3143 Kingsbridge Ave, Bronx, NY - 10463-3943
608 E 139th St, Bronx, NY - 10454-2336
121 E 177th St, Bronx, NY - 10453-5901
452 W 260th St, Bronx, NY - 10471-1826
2380 E Tremont Ave, Bronx, NY - 10462-6393
2872 Saint Theresa Ave, Bronx, NY - 10461-4153
1909 Daly Ave, Bronx, NY - 10460-4340
450 St Paul's Pl-5th Fl, Bronx, NY - 10456
968 Cauldwell Avenue, Bronx, NY - 10456
2225 Webster Avenue, Bronx, NY - 10457
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Find in Bronx
Schools of Bronx are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Bronx schools of that type.
- Preschools (176)
- Elementary Schools (277)
- Middle Schools (209)
- High Schools (169)
- Public Schools (452)
- Private Schools (53)
Find Middle Schools in New York
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