Middle Schools in Bronx, NY - Page 3
There's 209 middle schools found in Bronx, NY. This is more than one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Bronx schools on this page to choose from.
Bronx Map with Middle Schools
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List of Bronx Middle Schools
Following is the list of all middle schools found in Bronx. The middle schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays middle schools from record 101 to 150. Navigate through other pages to find more middle schools in Bronx. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific middle schools from the list.
360 E 145th St, Bronx, NY - 10454
3710 Barnes Ave, Bronx, NY - 10467
801 Bartholdi St, Bronx, NY - 10467-6257
400 E 145th St, Bronx, NY - 10454
1260 Franklin Ave, Bronx, NY - 10456
650 Hollywood Ave, Bronx, NY - 10465
580 Crotona Park S, Bronx, NY - 10456
1551 E 172nd St, Bronx, NY - 10472
170 Brown Pl, Bronx, NY - 10454-4110
4300 Murdock Ave, Bronx, NY - 10466-1822
2750 Lafayette Ave, Bronx, NY - 10465-2299
2055 Mapes Ave, Bronx, NY - 10460-1228
700 Baychester Ave, Bronx, NY - 10475-1756
890 Cauldwell Ave, Bronx, NY - 10456-7398
681 Kelly St, Bronx, NY - 10455
1930 Andrews Ave, Bronx, NY - 10453
850 Baychester Ave, Bronx, NY - 10475
3893 Dyre Ave, Bronx, NY - 10466-6112
1497 Needham Ave, Bronx, NY - 10469-1552
1000 Teller Ave, Bronx, NY - 10456
1000 Teller Ave, Bronx, NY - 10456
120 W 231st St, Bronx, NY - 10463
999 Pelham Pkwy N, Bronx, NY - 10469-4905
3710 Barnes Ave, Bronx, NY - 10467
180 W 165th St, Bronx, NY - 10452
3750 Baychester Ave, Bronx, NY - 10466
3981 Bronxwood Ave, Bronx, NY - 10466-4518
2465 Bathgate Ave, Bronx, NY - 10458-5928
2708 Briggs Ave, Bronx, NY - 10458-4078
1617 Parkview Ave, Bronx, NY - 10461-5220
1734 Williamsbridge Rd, Bronx, NY - 10461-6204
2441 Wallace Ave, Bronx, NY - 10467
2545 Gunther Ave, Bronx, NY - 10469
1005 Intervale Avenue, Bronx, NY - 10459
2750 Lafayette Ave, Bronx, NY - 10465
2195 Andrews Ave, Bronx, NY - 10453
3050 Webster Ave, Bronx, NY - 10467
778 Forest Ave, Bronx, NY - 10456
200 City Island Ave, Bronx, NY - 10464-1509
750 Baychester Ave, Bronx, NY - 10475
750 Jennings St, Bronx, NY - 10459
770 Grote St, Bronx, NY - 10460
311 E 237th St, Bronx, NY - 10470-2094
1919 Prospect Ave, Bronx, NY - 10457-6506
1970 W Farms Rd, Bronx, NY - 10460
2100 Walton Ave, Bronx, NY - 10453
2100 Lafontaine Ave, Bronx, NY - 10457-3333
2865 Claflin Ave, Bronx, NY - 10468
360 W 230th St, Bronx, NY - 10463
3177 Webster Ave, Bronx, NY - 10467
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Find in Bronx
Schools of Bronx are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Bronx schools of that type.
- Preschools (176)
- Elementary Schools (277)
- Middle Schools (209)
- High Schools (169)
- Public Schools (452)
- Private Schools (53)
Find Middle Schools in New York
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