Public Schools in York, PA
There's 39 public schools found in York, PA. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of York schools on this page to choose from.
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List of York Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in York. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific public schools from the list.
601 Mundis Mill Rd, York, PA - 17406-2107
1950 North Hills Rd, York, PA - 17406-1830
570 Copenhaffer Rd, York, PA - 17404-8388
605 South Duke Street, York, PA - 17401
94 Beck Road, York, PA - 17403
300 South Ogontz Street, York, PA - 17403
801 Chanceford Ave, York, PA - 17404-2304
701 Erlen Dr, York, PA - 17402-3653
701 Texas Ave, York, PA - 17404
525 North Newberry Street, York, PA - 17404
251 N Broad St, York, PA - 17403-1367
415 E Boundary Ave, York, PA - 17403-2811
2801 Hayshire Dr, York, PA - 17406
1500 Indian Rock Dam Rd, York, PA - 17403-9608
177 E Jackson St, York, PA - 17403-3136
49 Indian Rock Dam Rd, York, PA - 17403-5205
559 W King Street, York, PA - 17401-3706
2625 West Philadelphia St, York, PA - 17404
3620 E Prospect Rd, York, PA - 17402-7809
169 North Main St, York, PA - 17403-9808
600 Manor St, York, PA - 17403-2113
3745 Salem Rd, York, PA - 17408-9302
1330 N Hills Rd, York, PA - 17406
2620 Springwood Rd, York, PA - 17402-9508
570 Church Rd, York, PA - 17404-9604
2850 Susquehanna Trail, York, PA - 17406
250 Silver Spur Dr, York, PA - 17402-2731
1900 Brenda Rd, York, PA - 17408-4204
850 Southern Rd, York, PA - 17403-4138
2065 High St, York, PA - 17408-1547
1800 Bannister St, York, PA - 17404-4917
1700 Bannister St, York, PA - 17404-4915
101 West College Ave, York, PA - 17403-5403
32 West North St, York, PA - 17401
2179 South Queen St, York, PA - 17402-4628
455 Sundale Dr, York, PA - 17402-3628
1800 Hollywood Dr, York, PA - 17403-4256
2500 South Queen St, York, PA - 17402-4950
295 Mills St, York, PA - 17402-3037
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Find in York
Schools of York are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find York schools of that type.
- Preschools (17)
- Elementary Schools (43)
- Middle Schools (26)
- High Schools (16)
- Public Schools (39)
- Private Schools (14)
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