Public Schools in Yonkers, NY
There's 42 public schools found in Yonkers, NY. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Yonkers schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Yonkers Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Yonkers. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific public schools from the list.
201 Palisade Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10703
150 Kings Cross, Yonkers, NY - 10583-4706
20 Cedar Place, Yonkers, NY - 10705-1318
260 Warburton Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10701-2226
160 Bolmer Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10703-1699
77 Park Hill Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10701-4895
27 Poplar St, Yonkers, NY - 10701-4399
75 Morris St, Yonkers, NY - 10705-1933
1 Montclair Place, Yonkers, NY - 10710-2832
100 Shonnard Pl, Yonkers, NY - 10703-2242
108 Shonnard Pl, Yonkers, NY - 10703
18 Rosedale Rd, Yonkers, NY - 10710-3000
195 Mclean Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10705-4417
375 Kneeland Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10704-2700
135 Locust Hill Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10701-2995
132 Valentine Ln, Yonkers, NY - 10705-3499
7 Ravenswood Rd, Yonkers, NY - 10710-5803
579 Warburton Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10701-1699
175 Westchester Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10707-2175
50 Colin St, Yonkers, NY - 10701-5514
373 Bronxville Rd, Yonkers, NY - 10708-1298
350 Hawthorne Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10705-1831
565 Warburton Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10701-1801
105 Avondale Rd, Yonkers, NY - 10710-2018
631 Tuckahoe Rd, Yonkers, NY - 10710-5799
60 Crescent Pl, Yonkers, NY - 10704-2537
183 Palmer Rd, Yonkers, NY - 10701-5697
759 N Broadway, Yonkers, NY - 10701-1544
745 Midland Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10704-1055
100 Lee Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10705-4797
1408 Nepperhan Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10703-1097
56 Van Cortlandt Pk Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10701-4499
47 Croydon Rd, Yonkers, NY - 10710-1027
30 Nevada Pl, Yonkers, NY - 10708-5941
118 Lockwood Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10701-5097
53 Fairview St, Yonkers, NY - 10703-3025
15 Saint Marys Street, Yonkers, NY - 10701
1061 North Broadway, Yonkers, NY - 10701-1105
160 Bolmer Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10703
150 Rockland Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10705-8191
150 Rockland Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10705-1599
160 Woodlawn Ave, Yonkers, NY - 10704-3644
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Find in Yonkers
Schools of Yonkers are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Yonkers schools of that type.
- Preschools (43)
- Elementary Schools (49)
- Middle Schools (40)
- High Schools (16)
- Public Schools (42)
- Private Schools (18)
Find Public Schools in New York
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