High Schools in Woodburn, OR
There's 7 high schools found in Woodburn, OR. This is about half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Woodburn schools on this page to choose from.
Woodburn Map with High Schools
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List of Woodburn High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in Woodburn. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
1785 North Front St, Woodburn, OR - 97071-9799
5383 S Schneider Rd, Woodburn, OR - 97071-8795
1785 North Front St, Woodburn, OR - 97071-9799
2630 North Pacific Hwy, Woodburn, OR - 97071-8999
1785 North Front St, Woodburn, OR - 97071-9799
1785 North Front St, Woodburn, OR - 97071-9799
610 Young St, Woodburn, OR - 97071-9799
Other High Schools Nearby
The following high schools are located nearby Woodburn.
Gervais High School (3.5 miles)300 E Douglas St, Gervais, OR - 97026
Samuel Brown Academy (3.5 miles)300 E Douglas Ave, Gervais, OR - 97026
North Marion High School (5.3 miles)20167 Grim Rd Ne, Aurora, OR - 97002-9498
Frontier Charter Academy (5.9 miles)10653 71st Ave Ne, Salem, OR - 97305-9734
John F Kennedy High School (6.2 miles)890 E Marquam St, Mt Angel, OR - 97362-9704
Gk Chesterton Academy of the Willamette Valley (6.6 miles)980 S Main St, Mount Angel, OR - 97362
St Paul High School (7.3 miles)20449 Main St Ne, St Paul, OR - 97137-9701
9075 Pueblo Ave Ne, Salem, OR - 97305-9712
Silverton High School (9.8 miles)1456 Pine St, Silverton, OR - 97381-1377
721 Sw 4th Ave, Canby, OR - 97013-3999
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Find in Woodburn
Schools of Woodburn are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Woodburn schools of that type.
- Preschools (1)
- Elementary Schools (7)
- Middle Schools (6)
- High Schools (7)
- Public Schools (13)
- Private Schools (2)
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