Public Schools in Washington, DC
There's 243 public schools found in Washington, DC. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Washington schools on this page to choose from.
Washington Map with Public Schools
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List of Washington Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Washington. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in Washington. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
1500 Mississippi Avenue Southeast, Washington, DC - 20032
401 Eye St Sw, Washington, DC - 20024-4498
1601 16th St Se, Washington, DC - 20020-5503
2750 14th Street Northwest, Washington, DC - 20009
2017 Savannah Terrace Southeast, Washington, DC - 20020
138 12th Street Northeast, Washington, DC - 20002
330 21st Street Northeast, Washington, DC - 20002
1801 Mississippi Avenue Se, Washington, DC - 20032
680 I Street Southwest, Washington, DC - 20024
3401 4th St Se, Washington, DC - 20032-5499
3401 4th St. Se, Washington, DC - 20032
1755 Newton St Nw, Washington, DC - 20010-1823
1351 Alabama Ave Se, Washington, DC - 20032
430 Decatur St Nw, Washington, DC - 20011-4745
410 8th Street Northwest, Washington, DC - 20004
3600 Alabama Ave Se, Washington, DC - 20020-2426
800 Euclid St Nw, Washington, DC - 20001-2228
6923 Willow Street Nw, Washington, DC - 20012
301 North Carolina Avenue Southeast, Washington, DC - 20003
100 Gallatin Street Northeast, Washington, DC - 20011
1300 Nicholson St Nw, Washington, DC - 20011-2814
1150 Michigan Ave Ne, Washington, DC - 20017
850 26th St Ne, Washington, DC - 20002-3262
3560 Warder St Nw, Washington, DC - 20010-3808
1401 Michigan Ave Ne, Washington, DC - 20017-1811
1820 Monroe St Ne, Washington, DC - 20018-2736
801 Division Ave Ne, Washington, DC - 20019-5516
100 Peabody Street Northwest, Washington, DC - 20011
100 Peabody Street Northwest, Washington, DC - 20011
100 Peabody Street Northwest, Washington, DC - 20011
705 Edgewood Street Ne, Washington, DC - 20017
215 G Street Northeast, Washington, DC - 20002
1200 Clifton St Nw, Washington, DC - 20009-7001
701 Howard Road Se, Washington, DC - 20020
6008 Georgia Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC - 20011
1503 East Capitol Street Southeast, Washington, DC - 20003
220 Highview Place Southeast, Washington, DC - 20032
510 Webster Street Northwest, Washington, DC - 20011
711 N Street Northwest, Washington, DC - 20001
1217 West Virginia Avenue Northeast, Washington, DC - 20002
3701 Hayes Street Northeast, Washington, DC - 20019
1825 8th St Nw, Washington, DC - 20001-3113
3101 16th Street Northwest, Washington, DC - 20010
6315 5th St. Nw, Washington, DC - 20011
3700 North Capitol Street Nw, Washington, DC - 20011
301 53rd St Se, Washington, DC - 20019-6304
33 Riggs Road Northeast, Washington, DC - 20011
1901 D Street Se, Washington, DC - 20003
1409 V Street Se, Washington, DC - 20020
2330 Pomeroy Rd Se, Washington, DC - 20020
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Find in Washington
Schools of Washington are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Washington schools of that type.
- Preschools (185)
- Elementary Schools (228)
- Middle Schools (121)
- High Schools (76)
- Public Schools (243)
- Private Schools (71)
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