High Schools in Waianae, HI
There's 5 high schools found in Waianae, HI. This is more than one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Waianae schools on this page to choose from.
Waianae Map with High Schools
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List of Waianae High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in Waianae. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
89-86 Farrington Hwy, Waianae, HI - 96792-3000
85180 Ala Akau St, Waianae, HI - 96792-2323
87-138 Gilipake St, Waianae, HI - 96792-3198
89980 Nanakuli Ave, Waianae, HI - 96792-3920
85251 Farrington Hwy, Waianae, HI - 96792-2113
Other High Schools Nearby
The following high schools are located nearby Waianae.
67160 Farrington Hwy, Waialua, HI - 96791-9605
St Michael School (9 miles)67-340 Haona St, Waialua, HI - 96791-9611
Hawaii Technology Academy - Pcs (10.4 miles)94-450 Mokuola St, Waipahu, HI - 96797
Island Pacific Academy (10.5 miles)909 Haumea St, Kapolei, HI - 96707-2044
Kapolei Charter School by Goodwill Hawaii (10.9 miles)2140 Lauwiliwili St, Kapolei, HI - 96706
951200 Meheula Parkway, Mililani, HI - 96789-1748
Dreamhouse Ewa Beach (11.2 miles)91-1245 Franklin D Roosevelt Avenue #A, Kapolei, HI - 96707
94-294 Anania Dr, Mililani, HI - 96789-2598
Kapolei High School (11.2 miles)91-5007 Kapolei Pkwy, Kapolei, HI - 96707
1515 California Ave, Wahiawa, HI - 96786-2509
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Find in Waianae
Schools of Waianae are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Waianae schools of that type.
- Preschools (7)
- Elementary Schools (11)
- Middle Schools (7)
- High Schools (5)
- Public Schools (11)
- Private Schools (3)
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