Public Schools in Tulsa, OK
There's 107 public schools found in Tulsa, OK. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Tulsa schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Tulsa Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Tulsa. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in Tulsa. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
7049 Frankoma Rd, Tulsa, OK - 74131-4131
1921 East 29th St North, Tulsa, OK - 74110-4110
6304 East Admiral Blvd, Tulsa, OK - 74115-4115
3128 South 63rd West Avenue, Tulsa, OK - 74107-4107
3128 South 63rd West Avenue, Tulsa, OK - 74107-4107
3128 South 63rd West Avenue, Tulsa, OK - 74107-4107
3433 S 133rd East Avenue, Tulsa, OK - 74134-4134
1514 East Zion St, Tulsa, OK - 74106-4106
1924 North Martin Luther King, Tulsa, OK - 74106-4106
4309 East 56th St, Tulsa, OK - 74135-4135
624 East Oklahoma Place, Tulsa, OK - 74106-4106
9817 South Mingo Road, Tulsa, OK - 74133-4133
1740 North Harvard Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74115-4115
3101 West Edison St, Tulsa, OK - 74127-4127
3101 West Edison Street, Tulsa, OK - 74127-4127
3656 S 103rd East Avenue, Tulsa, OK - 74146-4146
2224 W 41st St, Tulsa, OK - 74107-4107
2525 S 101st East Avenue, Tulsa, OK - 74129-4420
1110 E 45th Pl, Tulsa, OK - 74105-4105
1110 E 45th Pl, Tulsa, OK - 74105-4105
1808 South 123rd East Avenue, Tulsa, OK - 74128-4128
1920 South Cincinnati Avenue, Tulsa, OK - 74119-4119
1919 West 40th Street, Tulsa, OK - 74107-4107
2224 West 41st Street, Tulsa, OK - 74107-4107
7625 East 87th St, Tulsa, OK - 74133-4133
2 South Elgin Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74120-4120
11702 East 25th St, Tulsa, OK - 74129-4129
10620 East 27th St, Tulsa, OK - 74129-4129
4115 S 100th E Ave 2nd Floor, Tulsa, OK - 74145-4145
4343 S 118th E Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74146-4146
4115 S 100th E Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74146-4146
12150 East 11th St, Tulsa, OK - 74128-4128
12121 East 21st Street, Tulsa, OK - 74129-4129
12121 East 21st Street, Tulsa, OK - 74129-4129
2906 East 41st Street, Tulsa, OK - 74105-4105
3111 East 56 Street, Tulsa, OK - 74105-4105
1442 East 36th St, Tulsa, OK - 74105-4105
12000 E 31 St, Tulsa, OK - 74146-4146
909 North Boston Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74106-4106
2249 South Phoenix Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74107-4107
2703 N Yorktown Pl, Tulsa, OK - 74110-4110
1421 S Sheridan Rd, Tulsa, OK - 74112-4112
1789 W Seminole St, Tulsa, OK - 74127-4127
6646 South 73rd East Avenue, Tulsa, OK - 74133-4133
10202 East 62nd Street, Tulsa, OK - 74133-4133
2177 South 67th East Avenue, Tulsa, OK - 74129-4129
2316 North Norwood Place, Tulsa, OK - 74115-4115
1105 East 33rd Street North, Tulsa, OK - 74106-4106
3613 South Hudson Avenue, Tulsa, OK - 74135-4135
2327 South Darlington Avenue, Tulsa, OK - 74114-4114
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Find in Tulsa
Schools of Tulsa are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Tulsa schools of that type.
- Preschools (88)
- Elementary Schools (98)
- Middle Schools (54)
- High Schools (35)
- Public Schools (107)
- Private Schools (34)
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