Private Schools in Tulsa, OK
There's 34 private schools found in Tulsa, OK. This is 24% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Tulsa schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Tulsa Private Schools
Following is the list of all private schools found in Tulsa. The private schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific private schools from the list.
6310 E 30th St, Tulsa, OK - 74114-6414
3905 S Hudson Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74135-5607
2520 South Yorktown Avenue, Tulsa, OK - 74114
3702-a S 90th E Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74145
5424 N Madiison Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74126
1919 S 129th St E Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74108
1 W 36th St N Ste 3, Tulsa, OK - 74106-1703
5666 E 81st St, Tulsa, OK - 74137-2099
2510 E Admiral Blvd, Tulsa, OK - 74110-5324
5130 E 101st St, Tulsa, OK - 74137-6006
7001 S Union Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74132-1845
1003 N 129th E Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74116-2131
1519 S Quincy Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74120-6400
6363 S Trenton Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74136-0700
8720 E 61st St, Tulsa, OK - 74133-1303
4849 S Mingo Rd, Tulsa, OK - 74146-4905
2021 E 71st St, Tulsa, OK - 74136-5408
2206 S Lewis Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74114-3117
4620 S Irvington Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74135-6851
2433 W 61st St, Tulsa, OK - 74132-1912
2444 E Admiral Blvd, Tulsa, OK - 74110-5323
1365 E 49th Pl, Tulsa, OK - 74105-4779
2515 W 46th St, Tulsa, OK - 74107-6629
1717 S 75th E Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74112-7719
1428 N 67th E Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74115-5667
6308 E Apache St, Tulsa, OK - 74115-3406
5150 E 101st St, Tulsa, OK - 74137-6030
900 S New Haven Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74112-3938
1339 E 55th St, Tulsa, OK - 74105-6927
1339 E 55th St, Tulsa, OK - 74105
3745 S Hudson Ave, Tulsa, OK - 74135-5604
326 S College, Tulsa, OK - 74104-2422
7700 South Lewis Avenue, Tulsa, OK - 74136
11391 E Admiral Pl, Tulsa, OK - 74116-3008
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Find in Tulsa
Schools of Tulsa are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Tulsa schools of that type.
- Preschools (88)
- Elementary Schools (98)
- Middle Schools (54)
- High Schools (35)
- Public Schools (107)
- Private Schools (34)
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