Public Schools in Toledo, OH - Page 2
There's 94 public schools found in Toledo, OH. This is the main type of schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Toledo schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Toledo Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Toledo. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 51 to 94. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in Toledo. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
3344 Westland Ave, Toledo, OH - 43613-5167
5555 Nebraska Ave, Toledo, OH - 43615-4636
2755 Edgebrook Dr, Toledo, OH - 43613-1266
3845 Clawson Ave, Toledo, OH - 43623-3874
800 Kingston Ave, Toledo, OH - 43605-2917
5025 Glendale Ave, Toledo, OH - 43614-1855
1620 E Broadway St, Toledo, OH - 43605-3817
2402 Cheltenham Rd, Toledo, OH - 43606-3201
3131 Cambridge St, Toledo, OH - 43610-1159
3602 Indian Rd, Toledo, OH - 43606-2425
2532 Evergreen Rd, Toledo, OH - 43606-2301
4747 290th St, Toledo, OH - 43611-1961
1144 Blum St, Toledo, OH - 43607-2042
430 Nebraska Ave, Toledo, OH - 43604-8540
550 Raymer Blvd, Toledo, OH - 43605-2432
5000 Norwich Rd, Toledo, OH - 43615-6924
3248 Warsaw St, Toledo, OH - 43608-1852
500 Chicago St, Toledo, OH - 43611-1447
1075 Horace St, Toledo, OH - 43606-4859
222 Mctigue Dr, Toledo, OH - 43615-5164
3350 Cherry St, Toledo, OH - 43608-1051
817 Sherman St, Toledo, OH - 43608-2831
5650 Suder Ave, Toledo, OH - 43611-1418
1830 Adams St, Toledo, OH - 43624-1428
730 Spring St, Toledo, OH - 43608-2554
2010 Tremainsville Rd, Toledo, OH - 43613-3947
3840 N Holland Sylvania Rd, Toledo, OH - 43615-1008
306 Bush St, Toledo, OH - 43604-2066
2729 124th St, Toledo, OH - 43611-3032
219 Page St, Toledo, OH - 43620-1430
2225 Nebraska Ave, Toledo, OH - 43607-3523
3001 Hill Ave, Toledo, OH - 43607-2932
333 14th St, Toledo, OH - 43604-5459
3301 Upton Ave, Toledo, OH - 43613-5110
301 Morrison Dr, Toledo, OH - 43605-2124
1245 Walbridge Ave, Toledo, OH - 43609-2251
5700 Whitmer Dr, Toledo, OH - 43613-2033
5050 Douglas Rd, Toledo, OH - 43613-2607
1075 Horace St, Toledo, OH - 43606-4859
4708 Whiteford Rd, Toledo, OH - 43623-2763
5601 Clegg Dr, Toledo, OH - 43613-2022
4221 Walker Ave, Toledo, OH - 43612-1855
305 Wenz Rd, Toledo, OH - 43615-6244
701 East Central Ave, Toledo, OH - 43608-2061
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Find in Toledo
Schools of Toledo are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Toledo schools of that type.
- Preschools (39)
- Elementary Schools (88)
- Middle Schools (79)
- High Schools (28)
- Public Schools (94)
- Private Schools (20)
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