High Schools in Tacoma, WA
There's 35 high schools found in Tacoma, WA. This is 30% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Tacoma schools on this page to choose from.
Tacoma Map with High Schools
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List of Tacoma High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in Tacoma. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific high schools from the list.
827 N Tacoma Ave, Tacoma, WA - 98403-2899
2300 S Washington St, Tacoma, WA - 98405-1399
7723 Chambers Creek Rd W, Tacoma, WA - 98467-2099
2901 54th Avenue E, Tacoma, WA - 98424-2110
601 S 8th St, Tacoma, WA - 98405
202 E 56th St, Tacoma, WA - 98404-1298
202 E 56 St, Tacoma, WA - 98404-1236
1202 N Orchard St, Tacoma, WA - 98406
7306 Waller Rd E, Tacoma, WA - 98443-1105
5714 29th St Ne, Tacoma, WA - 98422-3208
5616 20th St E, Tacoma, WA - 98424-2026
5802 20th Street East, Tacoma, WA - 98424
2112 S Tyler St, Tacoma, WA - 98405
11002 18th Ave E, Tacoma, WA - 98445-5228
813 132nd Street S, Tacoma, WA - 98444-3532
6701 S Park Ave, Tacoma, WA - 98444
2601 S 35th St Ste 100, Tacoma, WA - 98409
1717 S Union Ave, Tacoma, WA - 98405-1997
701 S 37th St, Tacoma, WA - 98418
4634 S 74th Street, Tacoma, WA - 98409
3319 S Adams St, Tacoma, WA - 98409
5501 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA - 98406
5501 N. Pearl St, Tacoma, WA - 98407
2052 S 64th St, Tacoma, WA - 98409-6899
601 S. 8th Street, Tacoma, WA - 98405
757 138th St S, Tacoma, WA - 98444-3468
111 N E St, Tacoma, WA - 98403
409 Puyallup Ave, Tacoma, WA - 98421
2014 S 15th St, Tacoma, WA - 98405-2905
2014 S 15th St, Tacoma, WA - 98405-2905
6501 N.23rd St., Tacoma, WA - 98406
1818 Tacoma Ave S, Tacoma, WA - 98402
302 S. Ninth Street, Tacoma, WA - 98402
815 South Pearl Street, Tacoma, WA - 98465
12420 Ainsworth Ave S, Tacoma, WA - 98444-2398
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Find in Tacoma
Schools of Tacoma are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Tacoma schools of that type.
- Preschools (55)
- Elementary Schools (73)
- Middle Schools (38)
- High Schools (35)
- Public Schools (95)
- Private Schools (23)
Find High Schools in Washington
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