Public Schools in Syracuse, NY
There's 45 public schools found in Syracuse, NY. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Syracuse schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Syracuse Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Syracuse. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific public schools from the list.
530 Stolp Ave, Syracuse, NY - 13207-1299
1607 S Geddes St, Syracuse, NY - 13207
201 Cherry Rd, Syracuse, NY - 13219-1537
301 Valley Dr, Syracuse, NY - 13207
100 Amidon Dr, Syracuse, NY - 13205-2788
919 Glenwood Ave, Syracuse, NY - 13207-1598
900 S Geddes St, Syracuse, NY - 13204
710 Hawley Ave, Syracuse, NY - 13203-2995
1106 Lancaster Ave, Syracuse, NY - 13210-3397
4942 South Salina Street, Syracuse, NY - 13205
428 South Alvord St, Syracuse, NY - 13208-2795
741 Park Ave, Syracuse, NY - 13204-2284
2400 Grant Blvd, Syracuse, NY - 13208-2214
600 Robinson St, Syracuse, NY - 13206-3598
400 Sunnycrest Rd, Syracuse, NY - 13206-3398
1130 Salt Springs Rd, Syracuse, NY - 13224
430 Irving Ave, Syracuse, NY - 13210
258 E Adams St, Syracuse, NY - 13202
1528 Lemoyne Ave, Syracuse, NY - 13208-1341
1613 James St, Syracuse, NY - 13203-2888
2707-2709 Court St, Syracuse, NY - 13208-3234
141 W Newell St, Syracuse, NY - 13205-1798
171 Spaulding Ave, Syracuse, NY - 13205-3218
3100 E Genesee St, Syracuse, NY - 13224-1694
4860 Onondaga Rd, Syracuse, NY - 13215-2241
703 Onondaga Rd, Syracuse, NY - 13219-2999
6820 Thompson Rd, Syracuse, NY - 13211
810 Willis Ave, Syracuse, NY - 13204
512 Emerson Ave, Syracuse, NY - 13204-1702
227 Magnolia St, Syracuse, NY - 13204
715 Glenwood Ave, Syracuse, NY - 13207-1599
200 Bernard St, Syracuse, NY - 13211-1496
300 Bernard St, Syracuse, NY - 13211-1495
450 Durston Ave, Syracuse, NY - 13203-1199
108 Shonnard St, Syracuse, NY - 13204-3287
299 Bury Dr, Syracuse, NY - 13209-1212
2200 Onondaga Creek Blvd, Syracuse, NY - 13207-2361
416 E Raynor Ave, Syracuse, NY - 13202
1001 Park Ave, Syracuse, NY - 13204-2125
345 Jamesville Ave, Syracuse, NY - 13210
312 Oswego St, Syracuse, NY - 13204
401 Loomis Ave, Syracuse, NY - 13207-2599
400 Walberta Rd, Syracuse, NY - 13219-2214
500 Wadsworth St, Syracuse, NY - 13208-3035
4501 Onondaga Blvd, Syracuse, NY - 13219-3318
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Find in Syracuse
Schools of Syracuse are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Syracuse schools of that type.
- Preschools (31)
- Elementary Schools (45)
- Middle Schools (28)
- High Schools (16)
- Public Schools (45)
- Private Schools (15)
Find Public Schools in New York
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