Elementary Schools in Sterling, IL
There's 6 elementary schools found in Sterling, IL. This is about half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Sterling schools on this page to choose from.
Sterling Map with Elementary Schools
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List of Sterling Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Sterling. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
2000 18th Ave, Sterling, IL - 61081-1660
1510 E 25th St, Sterling, IL - 61081-1470
806 E Le Fevre Rd, Sterling, IL - 61081-1551
1501 E 6th St, Sterling, IL - 61081-2771
6 W Sixth St, Sterling, IL - 61081-3521
815 West Le Fevre Rd, Sterling, IL - 61081-1000
Other Elementary Schools Nearby
The following elementary schools are located nearby Sterling.
Merrill Elementary School (1.6 miles)600 4th Ave, Rock Falls, IL - 61071-1229
Thome Ed School (1.6 miles)500 East 5th St, Rock Falls, IL - 61071-1804
St Andrew Catholic School (1.9 miles)701 11th Ave, Rock Falls, IL - 61071-1554
East Coloma - Nelson Elementary School (2.3 miles)1602 Dixon Rd, Rock Falls, IL - 61071-1913
Dillon Elementary School (2.5 miles)1901 8th Ave, Rock Falls, IL - 61071-2967
Montmorency Ccsd #145 (5.4 miles)9415 Hoover Rd, Rock Falls, IL - 61071-9350
Jefferson Elementary School (10.5 miles)800 4th Ave, Dixon, IL - 61021-1806
Madison School (10.9 miles)618 Division St, Dixon, IL - 61021
St Anne School (11.6 miles)1112 N Brinton Ave, Dixon, IL - 61021-1234
Washington Elementary School (11.8 miles)703 East Morgan St, Dixon, IL - 61021-2257
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Find in Sterling
Schools of Sterling are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Sterling schools of that type.
- Preschools (4)
- Elementary Schools (6)
- Middle Schools (3)
- High Schools (3)
- Public Schools (7)
- Private Schools (3)
Find Elementary Schools in Illinois
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