Private Schools in Staten Island, NY
There's 34 private schools found in Staten Island, NY. This is 28% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Staten Island schools on this page to choose from.
Staten Island Map with Private Schools
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List of Staten Island Private Schools
Following is the list of all private schools found in Staten Island. The private schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific private schools from the list.
1305 Hylan Blvd, Staten Island, NY - 10305-1901
315 Arlene St, Staten Island, NY - 10314-3205
289 Harold St, Staten Island, NY - 10314-2425
1000 Richmond Ter Bldg G 3rd Fl, Staten Island, NY - 10301
150 Granite Ave, Staten Island, NY - 10303-2718
15 Beach St, Staten Island, NY - 10304-2718
77 Chicago Ave, Staten Island, NY - 10305-3757
100 Jerome Ave, Staten Island, NY - 10305-3600
400 Caswell Ave, Staten Island, NY - 10314-1700
400 Caswell Ave, Staten Island, NY - 10314-1700
307 Victory Blvd, Staten Island, NY - 10301-3027
100 Merrill Ave, Staten Island, NY - 10314-3312
235 Major Ave, Staten Island, NY - 10305
2900 Amboy Rd, Staten Island, NY - 10306-2098
259 Rose Ave, Staten Island, NY - 10306-4309
134 Howard Ave, Staten Island, NY - 10301-4498
42 Austin Pl, Staten Island, NY - 10304-2108
285 Clove Rd, Staten Island, NY - 10310-1906
22 Steele Ave, Staten Island, NY - 10306-2327
4240 Amboy Rd, Staten Island, NY - 10308-1427
400 Caswell Ave, Staten Island, NY - 10314-1700
351 Sand Ln, Staten Island, NY - 10305-4500
355 Morningstar Rd, Staten Island, NY - 10303-2830
125 Cromwell Ave, Staten Island, NY - 10304-3946
151 Lindenwood Rd, Staten Island, NY - 10308-2794
50 Maguire Ave, Staten Island, NY - 10309-2808
850 Hylan Blvd, Staten Island, NY - 10305-2021
850 Hylan Blvd, Staten Island, NY - 10305-2095
200 Clinton Ave, Staten Island, NY - 10301-2197
129 Clinton Ave, Staten Island, NY - 10301-1131
30 Wellbrook Ave, Staten Island, NY - 10314-5198
1632 Victory Blvd, Staten Island, NY - 10314-3561
715 Todt Hill Rd, Staten Island, NY - 10304-1312
3495 Richmond Rd, Staten Island, NY - 10306-1427
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Find in Staten Island
Schools of Staten Island are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Staten Island schools of that type.
- Preschools (70)
- Elementary Schools (84)
- Middle Schools (49)
- High Schools (28)
- Public Schools (88)
- Private Schools (34)
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