High Schools in Starke, FL
There's 9 high schools found in Starke, FL. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Starke schools on this page to choose from.
Starke Map with High Schools
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List of Starke High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in Starke. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
581 N Temple Ave, Starke, FL - 32091
501 W Washington St, Starke, FL - 32091
501 W Washington St, Starke, FL - 32091-2525
501 W Washington St, Starke, FL - 32091-2525
5629 State Road 16 W Bldg 3800, Starke, FL - 32091
3900 Se State Road 100, Starke, FL - 32091-8528
18919 Us Highway 301 N, Starke, FL - 32091-5354
609 North Orange St, Starke, FL - 32091-2434
743 S Walnut St, Starke, FL - 32091-3950
Other High Schools Nearby
The following high schools are located nearby Starke.
Keystone Heights Junior/senior High School (12.4 miles)900 Orchid Ave, Keystone Heights, FL - 32656
1000 South Lake Ave, Lake Butler, FL - 32054-2834
Union County Virtual Instruction Program (14.4 miles)55 Sw 6th St, Lake Butler, FL - 32054-2519
Union Virtual Franchise (14.4 miles)55 Sw 6th St, Lake Butler, FL - 32054-2519
55 Sw 6th St, Lake Butler, FL - 32054-2519
Seamark Ranch (15.4 miles)3631 Seamark Ranch Rd, Green Cove Springs, FL - 32043-4349
Lighthouse Christian School Middleburg (17.2 miles)3925 Main St, Middleburg, FL - 32068-5149
1532 Long Bay Rd, Middleburg, FL - 32068-3751
Middleburg High School (18.5 miles)3750 County Road 220, Middleburg, FL - 32068
Siatech Mycroschool Inc (19.7 miles)7022 Nw 10th Pl, Gainesville, FL - 32605
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Find in Starke
Schools of Starke are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Starke schools of that type.
- Preschools (4)
- Elementary Schools (8)
- Middle Schools (8)
- High Schools (9)
- Public Schools (10)
- Private Schools (3)
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