Elementary Schools in St. Louis, MO
There's 130 elementary schools found in St. Louis, MO. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of St. Louis schools on this page to choose from.
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List of St. Louis Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in St. Louis. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in St. Louis. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
1311 Tower Grove Ave, St. Louis, MO - 63110-3837
2900 Hadley, St. Louis, MO - 63107-3911
2017 Arrowpoint Dr, St. Louis, MO - 63138-1519
3921 North Newstead, St. Louis, MO - 63115-2748
5421 Thekla Ave, St. Louis, MO - 63120-2513
909 Bompart Ave, St. Louis, MO - 63119-1954
3883 Jennings Station Rd, St. Louis, MO - 63121-3883
4531 Weber Rd, St. Louis, MO - 63123-5722
3131 Koch Rd, St. Louis, MO - 63125-4102
5835 Bermuda Dr, St. Louis, MO - 63121-1361
2050 Union Rd, St. Louis, MO - 63125-3053
5140 Patterson Rd, St. Louis, MO - 63129-2442
20 Gray Ave, St. Louis, MO - 63119-2912
4342 Aldine, St. Louis, MO - 63113-2702
5319 Lansdowne Ave, St. Louis, MO - 63109-2311
1618 Tower Grove Ave, St. Louis, MO - 63110-3715
9130 Big Bend Blvd, St. Louis, MO - 63119-3919
5031 Potomac, St. Louis, MO - 63139-1316
3935 Enright Ave, St. Louis, MO - 63108-3559
3120 St Louis Ave, St. Louis, MO - 63106-1122
900 Lay Road, St. Louis, MO - 63124
10305 Concord School Rd, St. Louis, MO - 63128-1288
9900 Conway Rd, St. Louis, MO - 63124-1651
1492 Craig Rd, St. Louis, MO - 63146-4842
1020 South Sappington Rd, St. Louis, MO - 63126-1000
1111 St Cyr Rd, St. Louis, MO - 63137-1730
815 Ann Ave, St. Louis, MO - 63104-4134
701 North Rock Hill Rd, St. Louis, MO - 63119-1339
10911 Tesson Ferry Road, St. Louis, MO - 63123-6116
2617 Shenandoah Ave., St. Louis, MO - 63104-2311
3630 Ohio Ave., St. Louis, MO - 63118-3916
2900 S. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, MO - 63118-1005
3716 Morganford Road, St. Louis, MO - 63116
8959 Riverview Blvd, St. Louis, MO - 63147-1475
1131 Edgar Rd, St. Louis, MO - 63119-4950
118 South 7th St., St. Louis, MO - 63104
2 Gateway Dr, St. Louis, MO - 63106-2131
623 W Ripa Ave, St. Louis, MO - 63125-2525
3709 Nebraska Ave, St. Louis, MO - 63118-3797
4 Gateway Dr, St. Louis, MO - 63106-2131
6576 Smiley Avenue, St. Louis, MO - 63139-2425
6651 Gravois Ave., St. Louis, MO - 63116-1125
100 S Garrison, St. Louis, MO - 63103-2538
3325 Bell, St. Louis, MO - 63106
9926 Fonda Dr, St. Louis, MO - 63137-1422
10560 Renfrew Dr, St. Louis, MO - 63137-3859
8348 S Laclede Station Rd, St. Louis, MO - 63123-2147
2324 Redman Rd, St. Louis, MO - 63136-6205
3847 Enright Avenue, St. Louis, MO - 63108
6401 Hagemann Rd, St. Louis, MO - 63128-4502
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Find in St. Louis
Schools of St. Louis are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find St. Louis schools of that type.
- Preschools (68)
- Elementary Schools (130)
- Middle Schools (68)
- High Schools (50)
- Public Schools (204)
- Private Schools (5)
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