Public Schools in Springfield, MO
There's 63 public schools found in Springfield, MO. This is the main type of schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Springfield schools on this page to choose from.
Springfield Map with Public Schools
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List of Springfield Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Springfield. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in Springfield. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
2126 Cherry, Springfield, MO - 65802-2957
3014 West Calhoun, Springfield, MO - 65802-1107
2148 N Douglas, Springfield, MO - 65803-1432
1409 Washington, Springfield, MO - 65802-1937
506 South Grant, Springfield, MO - 65806-2008
3325 West Battlefield, Springfield, MO - 65807-3872
423 E Central, Springfield, MO - 65802-3723
420 E Farm Rd 182, Springfield, MO - 65810-2610
3990 W Sunshine, Springfield, MO - 65807-1068
2927 S Kimbrough, Springfield, MO - 65807-3601
918 South Jefferson, Springfield, MO - 65806-3204
3055 West Kildee Ln, Springfield, MO - 65810-1166
1505 South Delaware, Springfield, MO - 65804-1207
1631 West Bennett, Springfield, MO - 65807-1212
2120 Barataria, Springfield, MO - 65804-3813
2814 N Fremont, Springfield, MO - 65803-4319
2727 S Ingram Mill, Springfield, MO - 65804-4098
1001 E. Chestnut Expy, Springfield, MO - 65802
2102 W Farm Rd 182, Springfield, MO - 65810-2264
1601 E Pythian, Springfield, MO - 65802-2141
4650 E. State Hwy Yy, Springfield, MO - 65802-7301
4650 E. State Hwy Yy, Springfield, MO - 65802-7301
3319 N Grant, Springfield, MO - 65803-1036
2403 S Holland, Springfield, MO - 65807-2929
3745 S Broadway, Springfield, MO - 65807-4547
840 S Jefferson, Springfield, MO - 65806-3202
4051 S Scenic, Springfield, MO - 65807-3994
1111 N Robberson, Springfield, MO - 65802-3842
3710 S Jefferson, Springfield, MO - 65807-1459
2352 S Weaver, Springfield, MO - 65807-2592
5005 S Farm Rd 135, Springfield, MO - 65810-1901
1221 W Madison, Springfield, MO - 65806-1803
516 W Meadowmere, Springfield, MO - 65807-1494
2120 Ventura, Springfield, MO - 65804-2718
2120 Ventura, Springfield, MO - 65804-2718
934 S Kimbrough, Springfield, MO - 65806-3313
1215 Boonville, Springfield, MO - 65802-1801
2934 E Bennett, Springfield, MO - 65804-1945
2210 E State Hwy Aa, Springfield, MO - 65803-8655
2210 E State Hwy Aa, Springfield, MO - 65803-9753
2000 N Lyon, Springfield, MO - 65803-2644
1100 E Kearney, Springfield, MO - 65803-3436
1333 E Grand, Springfield, MO - 65804-0117
3414 S Mentor Rd, Springfield, MO - 65804-4826
2757 E Division, Springfield, MO - 65803-5263
2524 S. Golden, Springfield, MO - 65807-3207
2343 W. Olive Street, Springfield, MO - 65802-3930
421 East Sunshine, Springfield, MO - 65807-2642
3850 North Farm Rd 159, Springfield, MO - 65803-9285
4100 South Fremont, Springfield, MO - 65804-6506
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Find in Springfield
Schools of Springfield are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Springfield schools of that type.
- Preschools (31)
- Elementary Schools (53)
- Middle Schools (30)
- High Schools (23)
- Public Schools (63)
- Private Schools (14)
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