Elementary Schools in Springfield, MA
There's 44 elementary schools found in Springfield, MA. This is about half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Springfield schools on this page to choose from.
Springfield Map with Elementary Schools
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List of Springfield Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Springfield. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific elementary schools from the list.
1190 Liberty St, Springfield, MA - 01104-1153
474 Armory St, Springfield, MA - 01104
285 Tiffany Street, Springfield, MA - 01108
1395 Allen St, Springfield, MA - 01118-1882
471 Plainfield St, Springfield, MA - 01107-1033
979 Dickinson St, Springfield, MA - 01108-3195
91 Old Acre Rd, Springfield, MA - 01129
1801 Parker Street, Springfield, MA - 01128
15 Catherine Street, Springfield, MA - 01109
426 Armory St, Springfield, MA - 01104-2376
367 Hancock St, Springfield, MA - 01105-1606
90 Cherokee Dr, Springfield, MA - 01109-1553
58 Hartford Ter, Springfield, MA - 01118-1536
200 Birnie Avenue, Springfield, MA - 01107
50 Morrison Terrace, Springfield, MA - 01104
120 Ashland Avenue, Springfield, MA - 01119
60 Bowles Park, Springfield, MA - 01104-1534
20 Lydia Street, Springfield, MA - 01109
43 Homer Street, Springfield, MA - 01109
31 Kensington Avenue, Springfield, MA - 01108
962 Carew Street, Springfield, MA - 01104
732 Chestnut Street, Springfield, MA - 01107
285 Dorset Street, Springfield, MA - 01108
190 Surrey Rd, Springfield, MA - 01118-1155
315 No Branch Pkwy, Springfield, MA - 01119
50 Empress Ct, Springfield, MA - 01129
1435 Carew Street, Springfield, MA - 01104
22 Mulberry Street, Springfield, MA - 01105
965 Plumtree Rd, Springfield, MA - 01119-2930
1524 Parker St, Springfield, MA - 01129-1054
55 Catherine Street, Springfield, MA - 01109
160 Joan Street, Springfield, MA - 01129
24 Bowles Park, Springfield, MA - 01104
55 Catherine Street, Springfield, MA - 01109
34 Nye Street, Springfield, MA - 01104
153 Eddywood St, Springfield, MA - 01118-1535
45 Sumner Ave, Springfield, MA - 01108-2301
52 Rosewell St, Springfield, MA - 01109-1336
361 Sumner Ave, Springfield, MA - 01108-2309
370 Pine Street, Springfield, MA - 01105
493 Parker St, Springfield, MA - 01129-1013
141 Washington St, Springfield, MA - 01108-2728
300 White St, Springfield, MA - 01108-2117
670 Union St, Springfield, MA - 01109-3617
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Find in Springfield
Schools of Springfield are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Springfield schools of that type.
- Preschools (25)
- Elementary Schools (44)
- Middle Schools (29)
- High Schools (21)
- Public Schools (68)
- Private Schools (9)
Find Elementary Schools in Massachusetts
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