High Schools in Spokane, WA
There's 38 high schools found in Spokane, WA. This is 30% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Spokane schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Spokane High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in Spokane. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific high schools from the list.
1807 N. Washington, Spokane, WA - 99205
W 2901 Ft George Wright, Spokane, WA - 99224-5253
N 910 Ash St, Spokane, WA - 99201-1811
1115 W Riverside Ave, Spokane, WA - 99201
115 S University, Spokane, WA - 99206
1330 N Washington St Ste 5050, Spokane, WA - 99201-2447
3754 W Indian Trl Rd, Spokane, WA - 99208-4736
2804 E Euclid Ave, Spokane, WA - 99207-5609
3020 E 37th Ave, Spokane, WA - 99223-4598
1224 E Euclid Ave, Spokane, WA - 99207-2844
521 W 4th Ave, Spokane, WA - 99204-2692
718 W. Riverside Avenue, Spokane, WA - 99218
8621 N Five Mile Road, Spokane, WA - 99208
302 W Hastings Rd, Spokane, WA - 99218-2598
901 E. 2nd Avenue Suite 100, Spokane, WA - 99202
1600 N Howard St, Spokane, WA - 99205-4798
4091 N. Regal, Spokane, WA - 99207
200 N. Bernard, Spokane, WA - 99201
2805 N Argonne, Spokane, WA - 99212
1115 N Government Way, Spokane, WA - 99224-5247
4091 N. Regal St, Spokane, WA - 99207
811 E. Sprague, Spokane, WA - 99202
1622 E Wellesley Ave, Spokane, WA - 99207-4299
4125 N Maple St, Spokane, WA - 99205-1353
1810 N Greene St, Spokane, WA - 99217-5399
4327 N Ash St, Spokane, WA - 99205-1498
777 E Magnesium Rd, Spokane, WA - 99208
1208 Mallen St., Spokane, WA - 99205-0128
2011 N Hutchinson, Spokane, WA - 99212
2904 E Sprague Av, Spokane, WA - 99202
2929 W Waikiki Rd, Spokane, WA - 99208-9209
8500 N Saint Michaels Rd, Spokane, WA - 99217-9333
1208 W. Mallen St., Spokane, WA - 99205-0320
8913 N Nettleton Ln, Spokane, WA - 99208-8001
4224 E 4th Ave, Spokane, WA - 99202-5026
1025 W Spofford Ave, Spokane, WA - 99205
10212 East 9th Avenue, Spokane, WA - 99206
8301 E Buckeye, Spokane, WA - 99212
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Find in Spokane
Schools of Spokane are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Spokane schools of that type.
- Preschools (66)
- Elementary Schools (88)
- Middle Schools (52)
- High Schools (38)
- Public Schools (94)
- Private Schools (33)
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