Elementary Schools in Spokane, WA
There's 88 elementary schools found in Spokane, WA. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Spokane schools on this page to choose from.
Spokane Map with Elementary Schools
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List of Spokane Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Spokane. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in Spokane. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
2909-e 37 Ave, Spokane, WA - 99223-4500
3510 East 18th Avenue, Spokane, WA - 99223
3510 E 18th Ave, Spokane, WA - 99223-3814
6363 N Smith St, Spokane, WA - 99217-7626
3618 W Indian Trail Rd, Spokane, WA - 99208-4793
2020 W Carlisle Ave, Spokane, WA - 99205-3794
3010 W Holyoke Ave, Spokane, WA - 99208-4699
4320 S Conklin St, Spokane, WA - 99203-6237
2323 E Bridgeport Ave, Spokane, WA - 99207-5799
406 W Regina Ave, Spokane, WA - 99218-2898
5102 N Driscoll Blvd, Spokane, WA - 99205-6099
N 910 Ash St, Spokane, WA - 99201-1811
455 West 18th Avenue, Spokane, WA - 99203
1526 E 11th Ave, Spokane, WA - 99202-3504
3200 N Ferrall St, Spokane, WA - 99217-6999
1330 N Washington St Ste 5050, Spokane, WA - 99201-2447
215 W Eddy, Spokane, WA - 99208-5908
3754 W Indian Trl Rd, Spokane, WA - 99208-4736
2804 E Euclid Ave, Spokane, WA - 99207-5609
13005 N Crestline, Spokane, WA - 99208-9598
3717 N Milton St, Spokane, WA - 99205-2399
318 S Cedar, Spokane, WA - 99201-7030
3737 E 5th Ave, Spokane, WA - 99202-5099
2627 E 17th Ave, Spokane, WA - 99223-5100
222 W Knox Ave, Spokane, WA - 99205-4880
1300 E 9th Ave, Spokane, WA - 99202-2499
3115 N Spotted Rd, Spokane, WA - 99224
2121 E Thurston Ave, Spokane, WA - 99203-4100
2600 W Sharp Ave, Spokane, WA - 99201-2996
908 E 24th Ave, Spokane, WA - 99203-3300
4102 W Woodside Ave, Spokane, WA - 99208-5099
123 E. 37th Ave, Spokane, WA - 99203-2693
2900 E 1st Ave, Spokane, WA - 99202-3992
5510 N Lidgerwood, Spokane, WA - 99208
3322 E 22nd Ave, Spokane, WA - 99223-3900
906 W Weile Ave, Spokane, WA - 99208-6278
1001 E Montgomery Ave, Spokane, WA - 99207-2674
800 E Providence Ave, Spokane, WA - 99207-2900
319 W Nebraska Ave, Spokane, WA - 99205-6299
8621 N Five Mile Road, Spokane, WA - 99208
8818 E Grace, Spokane, WA - 99212
5720 S Perry, Spokane, WA - 99223-6349
4224 E 57th Ave, Spokane, WA - 99223-7897
2616 E 63rd Ave, Spokane, WA - 99223-7410
9612 E Cataldo, Spokane, WA - 99206
9408 N Wall St, Spokane, WA - 99218-2245
7519 E Buckeye, Spokane, WA - 99212
7626 N. Orchard Prairie Rd., Spokane, WA - 99217-9766
1115 N Government Way, Spokane, WA - 99224-5247
8508 E Upriver Drive, Spokane, WA - 99212
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Find in Spokane
Schools of Spokane are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Spokane schools of that type.
- Preschools (66)
- Elementary Schools (88)
- Middle Schools (52)
- High Schools (38)
- Public Schools (94)
- Private Schools (33)
Find Elementary Schools in Washington
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