Elementary Schools in Spartanburg, SC
There's 29 elementary schools found in Spartanburg, SC. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Spartanburg schools on this page to choose from.
Spartanburg Map with Elementary Schools
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List of Spartanburg Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Spartanburg. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific elementary schools from the list.
375 Spring St, Spartanburg, SC - 29301-0045
1315 Old Converse Road, Spartanburg, SC - 29307
355 Cedar Springs Rd, Spartanburg, SC - 29302-4699
1500 Skylyn Drive, Spartanburg, SC - 29307
150 Old Canaan Rd, Spartanburg, SC - 29302-4639
1217 John B White State Road Blvd, Spartanburg, SC - 29306
1005 Mount Zion Rd, Spartanburg, SC - 29303-1001
8150 Warren H. Abernathy Highway, Spartanburg, SC - 29301
6655 Pottery Road, Spartanburg, SC - 29303
1505 Fernwood Glendale Road, Spartanburg, SC - 29307
495 Powell Mill Road, Spartanburg, SC - 29301
150 Kensington Dr, Spartanburg, SC - 29301-3983
7314 Lone Oak Road, Spartanburg, SC - 29303
457 South Church Street, Spartanburg, SC - 29306
201 East Broad Street Suite 110, Spartanburg, SC - 29306
384 S Spring St, Spartanburg, SC - 29306-5265
8800 Warren H Abernathy Hwy, Spartanburg, SC - 29301-1229
190 Lincoln School Rd, Spartanburg, SC - 29301-5581
500 South Pine Street, Spartanburg, SC - 29302
355 Cedar Springs Road, Spartanburg, SC - 29302
355 Cedar Springs Road, Spartanburg, SC - 29302
1701 Skylyn Dr, Spartanburg, SC - 29307-1096
385 South Spring Street, Spartanburg, SC - 29306
213 N Lanford Rd, Spartanburg, SC - 29301-2843
152 Alabama St, Spartanburg, SC - 29302-1502
151 Franklin St, Spartanburg, SC - 29303-2964
9020 Asheville Hwy, Spartanburg, SC - 29316-4614
400 Oak Grove Rd, Spartanburg, SC - 29301-2562
1216 John B. White Sr. Blvd, Spartanburg, SC - 29306-3930
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Find in Spartanburg
Schools of Spartanburg are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Spartanburg schools of that type.
- Preschools (23)
- Elementary Schools (29)
- Middle Schools (13)
- High Schools (9)
- Public Schools (30)
- Private Schools (9)
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