Public Schools in South Glens Falls, NY
There's 5 public schools found in South Glens Falls, NY.
South Glens Falls Map with Public Schools
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List of South Glens Falls Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in South Glens Falls. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
76 Harrison Ave, South Glens Falls, NY - 12803-4997
76 Bluebird Rd, South Glens Falls, NY - 12803-5708
99 Hudson St, South Glens Falls, NY - 12803-4998
42 Merritt Rd, South Glens Falls, NY - 12803-5499
60 Tanglewood Dr, South Glens Falls, NY - 12803-5498
Other Public Schools Nearby
The following public schools are located nearby South Glens Falls.
Big Cross Street School (1.3 miles)15 Big Cross St, Glens Falls, NY - 12801-4213
120 Lawrence St, Glens Falls, NY - 12801-3758
Glens Falls Middle School (1.7 miles)20 Quade St, Glens Falls, NY - 12801-2725
Glens Falls Senior High School (1.7 miles)10 Quade St, Glens Falls, NY - 12801-2725
Jackson Heights School (2 miles)24 Jackson Ave, Glens Falls, NY - 12801-2433
Kensington Road School (2.2 miles)43 Kensington Rd, Glens Falls, NY - 12801-2544
Margaret Murphy Kindergarten Center (2.5 miles)2 Clark St, Hudson Falls, NY - 12839-1830
Washington-saratoga-warren-hamilton-essex Boces (2.7 miles)1153 Burgoyne Ave, Fort Edward, NY - 12828-1134
Fort Edward School (2.8 miles)220 Broadway, Fort Edward, NY - 12828-1598
Hudson Falls Intermediate School (3.2 miles)139 Maple St, Hudson Falls, NY - 12839-2100
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Find in South Glens Falls
Schools of South Glens Falls are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find South Glens Falls schools of that type.
- Preschools (3)
- Elementary Schools (3)
- Middle Schools (1)
- High Schools (1)
- Public Schools (5)
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