Public Schools in South Dos Palos, CA
There's 2 public schools found in South Dos Palos, CA.
South Dos Palos Map with Public Schools
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List of South Dos Palos Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in South Dos Palos. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
Other Public Schools Nearby
The following public schools are located nearby South Dos Palos.
Dos Palos Elementary School (1.3 miles)2149 Almond St, Dos Palos, CA - 93620-2305
Bernhard Marks Elementary School (1.4 miles)1717 Valeria St, Dos Palos, CA - 93620-2648
1701 East Blossom St, Dos Palos, CA - 93620-2706
16695 North Bryant Ave, Dos Palos, CA - 93620-9405
Charleston Elementary School (10 miles)18463 W. Charleston Rd., Los Banos, CA - 93635-9540
20513 Rd 4, Chowchilla, CA - 93610-9225
Pacheco High School (11.6 miles)200 N. Ward Rd., Los Banos, CA - 93635-8831
Los Banos Junior High School (11.9 miles)1750 San Luis St., Los Banos, CA - 93635-3866
Mercey Springs Elementary School (12 miles)1900 S. Mercey Springs Rd., Los Banos, CA - 93635-4800
Grasslands Elementary School (12.1 miles)1951 Mission Dr., Los Banos, CA - 93635
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Schools of South Dos Palos are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find South Dos Palos schools of that type.
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- High Schools (2)
- Public Schools (2)
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