Public Schools in Smithtown, NY
There's 8 public schools found in Smithtown, NY. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Smithtown schools on this page to choose from.
Smithtown Map with Public Schools
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List of Smithtown Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Smithtown. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
1 Lincoln St, Smithtown, NY - 11787-1695
Meadow Rd, Smithtown, NY - 11787-1697
50 Dogwood Dr, Smithtown, NY - 11787-2299
299 Lilac Ln, Smithtown, NY - 11787-4412
33 Plaisted Ave, Smithtown, NY - 11787-4786
22 Holly Dr, Smithtown, NY - 11787-1200
51 Lawrence Ave, Smithtown, NY - 11787-3625
100 Central Rd, Smithtown, NY - 11787-1696
Other Public Schools Nearby
The following public schools are located nearby Smithtown.
Parkview Elementary School (1 miles)23 Roundtree Dr, Kings Park, NY - 11754-5198
Kings Park High School (1.6 miles)200 Rt 25a, Kings Park, NY - 11754-3898
Indian Hollow School (2.1 miles)151 Kings Park Rd, Commack, NY - 11725-0150
Rj O Intermediate School (2.3 miles)99 Old Dock Rd, Kings Park, NY - 11754-1804
97 Old Dock Rd, Kings Park, NY - 11754-1804
Nesaquake Middle School (2.5 miles)479 Edgewood Ave, Saint James, NY - 11780-1648
Hauppauge Middle School (3 miles)600 Town Line Rd, Hauppauge, NY - 11788-2837
Hauppauge High School (3.1 miles)500 Lincoln Blvd, Hauppauge, NY - 11788-2902
Smithtown High School East (3.1 miles)10 School St, Saint James, NY - 11780-1800
Commack High School (3.4 miles)1 Scholar Ln, Commack, NY - 11725-0150
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Find in Smithtown
Schools of Smithtown are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Smithtown schools of that type.
- Preschools (5)
- Elementary Schools (10)
- Middle Schools (5)
- High Schools (3)
- Public Schools (8)
- Private Schools (5)
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