Elementary Schools in Shawnee Mission, KS
There's 33 elementary schools found in Shawnee Mission, KS. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Shawnee Mission schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Shawnee Mission Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Shawnee Mission. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific elementary schools from the list.
8910 Goddard, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66214-1998
7230 Belinder Rd, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66208-3302
11615 West 49th Ter, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66203-1099
5300 West 86th St, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66207-1799
5901 Alden, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66216-3849
9920 Lowell, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66212-3487
3411 West 103rd St, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66206-2597
15600 W 83rd St, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66219-1500
8200 Grant, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66212-3299
8301 Mission Rd, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66206-1386
6101 Craig Rd, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66202-3037
7342 Lowell, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66204-1832
6200 Roe, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66205-3052
4401 W. 103rd Street, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66207
6100 Mastin, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66203
13951 W 79th St, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66215-5300
10917 W 67th St, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66203-3898
10000 Nieman, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66214
8150 Santa Fe Dr, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66204-3608
9501 W 91st St, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66212-4738
6642 Mission Road, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66208-1796
5642 Rosehill, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66216-1699
6720 Caenen, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66216-2486
8600 Candlelight, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66215-6030
4900 Parish Dr, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66205-1370
9801 Rosehill, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66215-1499
6001 W 52nd St, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66202-1699
7100 Lamar, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66204-2199
11230 W 75th, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66214-1203
8955 Loiret Blvd, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66219-1427
6301 West 78th St, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66204-3199
5101 West 95th St, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66207-3399
2511 West 50th St, Shawnee Mission, KS - 66205-2031
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Find in Shawnee Mission
Schools of Shawnee Mission are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Shawnee Mission schools of that type.
- Preschools (33)
- Elementary Schools (33)
- Middle Schools (5)
- High Schools (5)
- Public Schools (43)
Find Elementary Schools in Kansas
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