Elementary Schools in Serena, IL
There's 1 elementary school found in Serena, IL. This is about half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Serena schools on this page to choose from.
Serena Map with Elementary Schools
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List of Serena Elementary Schools
There is only one elementary school listed in Serena. Click on the elementary school name bellow to find detailed information on it.
2283 N 3812th Rd, Serena, IL - 60549-5103
Other Elementary Schools Nearby
The following elementary schools are located nearby Serena.
Sheridan Elementary School (4 miles)115 E Si Johnson Ave, Sheridan, IL - 60551
Rutland Elementary School (5.9 miles)3231 N Il Route 71, Ottawa, IL - 61350-9410
Harding Grade School (6.2 miles)1643 N 40th Rd, Earlville, IL - 60518-6104
Milton Pope Elementary School (7.9 miles)3197 E 28th Rd, Marseilles, IL - 61341-9567
Newark Elementary School (8.8 miles)503 Chicago Rd, Newark, IL - 60541-9501
1463 North 33rd Rd, Ottawa, IL - 61350-9622
Leland Elementary School (9.7 miles)370 N Main St, Leland, IL - 60531-9400
James R Wood Elementary School (10.3 miles)320 S Maple St, Somonauk, IL - 60552-9793
Somonauk Middle School (10.3 miles)510 W Lasalle St, Somonauk, IL - 60552-9795
Jefferson Elementary School (10.6 miles)1709 Columbus St, Ottawa, IL - 61350-1526
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Find in Serena
Schools of Serena are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Serena schools of that type.
- Elementary Schools (1)
- Middle Schools (1)
- High Schools (1)
- Public Schools (2)
Find Elementary Schools in Illinois
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