Private Schools in Seminole, FL
There's 7 private schools found in Seminole, FL. This is more than one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Seminole schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Seminole Private Schools
Following is the list of all private schools found in Seminole. The private schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
7589 113th Ln, Seminole, FL - 33772-5330
11501 66th Ave, Seminole, FL - 33772-6197
8351 Bayou Boardwalk, Seminole, FL - 33777-4617
13400 Park Blvd, Seminole, FL - 33776-3507
9530 Starkey Rd, Seminole, FL - 33777-2203
9530 Starkey Rd, Seminole, FL - 33777-2203
12601 Park Blvd N, Seminole, FL - 33776
Other Private Schools Nearby
The following private schools are located nearby Seminole.
Keswick Christian School (1.4 miles)10101 54th Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL - 33708-3498
Northside Christian School (2.6 miles)7777 62nd Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL - 33709-1201
Center Academy Prep (3.3 miles)6710 86th Ave N, Pinellas Park, FL - 33782-1895
6710 86th Ave N, Pinellas Park, FL - 33782-4502
Indian Rocks Christian School (3.4 miles)12685 Ulmerton Rd, Largo, FL - 33774
Lampert's Achievement Academy (3.6 miles)7381 114th Ave Ste 405, Largo, FL - 33773-5131
11633 137th St, Largo, FL - 33774-4031
Community Christian School of Five Oaks (4.2 miles)7900 22nd Avenue North, St. Petersburg, FL - 33710
1501 Trotter Rd, Largo, FL - 33770-4366
King & Queen Christian School for All Students (4.6 miles)5540 Park Blvd N, Pinellas Park, FL - 33781
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- Preschools (8)
- Elementary Schools (11)
- Middle Schools (7)
- High Schools (6)
- Public Schools (10)
- Private Schools (7)
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