Middle Schools in Seattle, WA
There's 45 middle schools found in Seattle, WA. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Seattle schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Seattle Middle Schools
Following is the list of all middle schools found in Seattle. The middle schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific middle schools from the list.
5031 University Way Ne, Seattle, WA - 98105-4341
7217 Woodlawn Ave Ne, Seattle, WA - 98115-5335
1501 10th Ave E Ste 100, Seattle, WA - 98102-4256
415 N 117th St, Seattle, WA - 98133-8609
415 N 117th St, Seattle, WA - 98133-8609
9618 Roosevelt Way Ne, Seattle, WA - 98115-2236
10015 28th Ave Sw, Seattle, WA - 98146-3708
214 E Galer St, Seattle, WA - 98102-3716
1701 20th Ave S, Seattle, WA - 98144-4411
4142 42nd Ave Sw, Seattle, WA - 98116-4202
4456 42nd Ave Sw, Seattle, WA - 98116-4297
13510 1st Ave Ne, Seattle, WA - 98125-3021
6208 60th Ave Ne, Seattle, WA - 98115-7944
901 Lenora St, Seattle, WA - 98121-2714
9205 3rd Ave Sw, Seattle, WA - 98106-3106
3301 W Dravus St, Seattle, WA - 98199-2624
3401 Sw Myrtle St, Seattle, WA - 98126-3399
600 Nw Bright St, Seattle, WA - 98107-4451
660 S Dearborn St, Seattle, WA - 98134-1328
10056 Renton Avenue South, Seattle, WA - 98178
1432 15th Ave, Seattle, WA - 98122
1625 19th Ave, Seattle, WA - 98122-2848
172 20th Ave, Seattle, WA - 98122-5862
2619 4th Ave N, Seattle, WA - 98109-1903
2706 S Jackson St, Seattle, WA - 98144-2442
2800 S Massachusetts St, Seattle, WA - 98144-3823
2728 Ne 100 St, Seattle, WA - 98125
11304 8th Ave Ne Ste 6, Seattle, WA - 98125-6111
101 W Lee St, Seattle, WA - 98119-3321
4811 Wallingford Ave N, Seattle, WA - 98103-6899
8524 8th Ave Ne, Seattle, WA - 98115-3002
4200 S Mead St, Seattle, WA - 98118-2702
5117 13th Ave S, Seattle, WA - 98108-2309
120 N 79th St, Seattle, WA - 98103-4688
700 18th Ave E, Seattle, WA - 98112-3900
70018th Ave E, Seattle, WA - 98112
1230 Ne 127th St, Seattle, WA - 98125-4021
10001 57th Ave S, Seattle, WA - 98178-2299
900 35th Ave, Seattle, WA - 98122-5207
3400 E Harrison St, Seattle, WA - 98112-4200
1415 Summit Ave, Seattle, WA - 98122-3619
1625 South Columbian Way, Seattle, WA - 98108
5001 Ne 50th St, Seattle, WA - 98105-2899
11215 15th Ave Sw, Seattle, WA - 98146-3564
7740 34th Ave Sw, Seattle, WA - 98126-3503
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Find in Seattle
Schools of Seattle are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Seattle schools of that type.
- Preschools (33)
- Elementary Schools (54)
- Middle Schools (45)
- High Schools (18)
- Private Schools (68)
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