Elementary Schools in Seattle, WA
There's 149 elementary schools found in Seattle, WA. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Seattle schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Seattle Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Seattle. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in Seattle. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
5031 University Way Ne, Seattle, WA - 98105-4341
6110 28 Av Nw, Seattle, WA - 98107-5314
3010 59 Av Sw, Seattle, WA - 98116-2820
3701 Sw 104th Street, Seattle, WA - 98146
3921 Linden Av N, Seattle, WA - 98103-7803
1301 E Yesler Wy, Seattle, WA - 98122-5430
2025 14 Av S, Seattle, WA - 98144-4205
2227 10th Ave E, Seattle, WA - 98102-4107
1201 S 104th St, Seattle, WA - 98168-1549
7201 Beacon Ave S, Seattle, WA - 98108
1501 10th Ave E Ste 100, Seattle, WA - 98102-4256
9750 Third Ave Ne, Seattle, WA - 98036-2022
13052 Greenwood Av N, Seattle, WA - 98133-7309
3311 Ne 60 St, Seattle, WA - 98115-7318
8212 S 118th St, Seattle, WA - 98178-3854
6418 S 124th St, Seattle, WA - 98178-3627
2919 1st Avenue West, Seattle, WA - 98119
1700 N 90th Street, Seattle, WA - 98115
2550 34 Av W, Seattle, WA - 98199-3240
13224 37th Ave Ne, Seattle, WA - 98125-4649
13742 30th Ave Ne, Seattle, WA - 98125
415 N 117th St, Seattle, WA - 98133-8609
415 N 117th St, Seattle, WA - 98133-8609
723 S Concord St, Seattle, WA - 98108-4641
7040 36th Ave Ne, Seattle, WA - 98115-5966
7821 Stone Av N, Seattle, WA - 98103-4835
2820 S Orcas St, Seattle, WA - 98108-3066
4525 S Cloverdale St, Seattle, WA - 98118-4905
9709 60 Av S, Seattle, WA - 98118-5818
3611 E Denny Way, Seattle, WA - 98122-3423
3800 Sw Findlay St, Seattle, WA - 98126-2845
2424 7 Av W, Seattle, WA - 98119-2513
4320 Sw Myrtle St, Seattle, WA - 98136-1752
5013 Sw Dakota Street, Seattle, WA - 98116
2120 21st Ave S, Seattle, WA - 98144-2209
5149 S Graham St, Seattle, WA - 98118-2938
2400 N 65 St, Seattle, WA - 98103-5412
144 Nw 80 St, Seattle, WA - 98117-3052
1701 20th Ave S, Seattle, WA - 98144-4411
4100 39 Av S, Seattle, WA - 98118-1320
11530 12th Ave. Ne, Seattle, WA - 98125
1012 Sw Trenton St, Seattle, WA - 98106-2421
12250 24th Ave S, Seattle, WA - 98168-2424
4142 42nd Ave Sw, Seattle, WA - 98116-4202
4456 42nd Ave Sw, Seattle, WA - 98116-4297
11725 1 Av Ne, Seattle, WA - 98125-4713
201 Garfield St, Seattle, WA - 98109-3177
3301 S Horton St, Seattle, WA - 98144-6917
4030 Ne 109 St, Seattle, WA - 98125-2549
4057 5 Av Ne, Seattle, WA - 98105-6556
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Find in Seattle
Schools of Seattle are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Seattle schools of that type.
- Preschools (87)
- Elementary Schools (149)
- Middle Schools (89)
- High Schools (54)
- Public Schools (125)
- Private Schools (86)
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