Public Schools in Saratoga Springs, NY
There's 7 public schools found in Saratoga Springs, NY. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Saratoga Springs schools on this page to choose from.
Saratoga Springs Map with Public Schools
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List of Saratoga Springs Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Saratoga Springs. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
310 Caroline St, Saratoga Springs, NY - 12866-3698
220 Division St, Saratoga Springs, NY - 12866-3097
221 Jones Rd, Saratoga Springs, NY - 12866-5706
61 Geyser Rd, Saratoga Springs, NY - 12866-9018
126 Lake Ave, Saratoga Springs, NY - 12866-2497
515 Maple Ave, Saratoga Springs, NY - 12866-5509
1 Blue Streak Blvd, Saratoga Springs, NY - 12866-5965
Other Public Schools Nearby
The following public schools are located nearby Saratoga Springs.
Malta Avenue Elementary School (5.6 miles)70 Malta Ave, Ballston Spa, NY - 12020-1599
Greenfield Elementary School (5.9 miles)3180 Rt 9n, Greenfield Center, NY - 12833-1799
300 Wood Rd, Ballston Spa, NY - 12020-2292
Gordon Creek Elementary School (6.5 miles)50 Wood Rd, Ballston Spa, NY - 12020-2291
Milton Terrace Elementary School (6.5 miles)200 Wood Rd, Ballston Spa, NY - 12020
210 Ballston Ave, Ballston Spa, NY - 12020-3690
220 Ballston Ave, Ballston Spa, NY - 12020-3691
Ballard Elementary School (7.9 miles)300 Ballard Rd, Wilton, NY - 12831-2173
Chango Elementary School (9.5 miles)Chango Dr, Ballston Lake, NY - 12019-9010
Schuylerville Elementary School (10.1 miles)14 Spring St, Schuylerville, NY - 12871-1098
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Find in Saratoga Springs
Schools of Saratoga Springs are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Saratoga Springs schools of that type.
- Preschools (3)
- Elementary Schools (8)
- Middle Schools (4)
- High Schools (3)
- Public Schools (7)
- Private Schools (4)
Find Public Schools in New York
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