Santa Fe School for the Arts & Sciences
School Details
Following is the detailed information on Santa Fe School for the Arts & Sciences based on the data provided by National Center for Education Statistics.
Students by Grades
Following chart shows the distribution of students in different grades offered by Santa Fe School for the Arts & Sciences.
Students by Race
Following chart shows the distribution of students based on races.
Students by Gender
Following chart shows the ratio of male and female students of Santa Fe School for the Arts & Sciences.
Nearby Middle Schools
Following is a list of other middle schools found within few miles of Santa Fe School for the Arts & Sciences. You may also view all middle schools in Santa Fe , New Mexico.
Edward Ortiz Middle School (0.2 miles)4164 South Meadows, Santa Fe, NM - 87505(505) 467-2300
Nina Otero Community School (0.5 miles)5901 Herrera Drive, Santa Fe, NM - 87507(505) 467-4200
Monte Del Sol Charter (1.5 miles)4157 Walking Rain Rd, Santa Fe, NM - 87507(505) 982-5225
Tierra Encantada Charter School (2.1 miles)4601 Mission Bend, Santa Fe, NM - 87507(505) 983-3337
El Camino Real Academy Community (2.8 miles)3160 Agia Fria St, Santa Fe, NM - 87501-8440(505) 467-1300
Adventist Academy of Santa Fe (3.3 miles)62 A Van Nu Po, Santa Fe, NM - 87508-1127
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