Middle Schools in Sandpoint, ID
There's 6 middle schools found in Sandpoint, ID. This is about half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Sandpoint schools on this page to choose from.
Sandpoint Map with Middle Schools
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List of Sandpoint Middle Schools
Following is the list of all middle schools found in Sandpoint. The middle schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
614 South Madison Avenue, Sandpoint, ID - 83864-8724
430 South Division Avenue, Sandpoint, ID - 83864-1734
410 South Division Street, Sandpoint, ID - 83864-1777
4105 North Boyer Avenue, Sandpoint, ID - 83864-7450
310 South Division Street, Sandpoint, ID - 83864-1768
2007 Sandpoint W Dr, Sandpoint, ID - 83864-7304
Other Middle Schools Nearby
The following middle schools are located nearby Sandpoint.
Sandpoint Christian School (2.9 miles)477954 Hwy 95, Ponderay, ID - 83852-9743
Priest River Jr High School (17.9 miles)1020 West Albeni Highway, Priest River, ID - 83856-6076
Clark Fork Jr/sr High School (20 miles)502 North Main Street, Clark Fork, ID - 83811
House of the Lord Christian Academy (23 miles)754 Silver Birch Ln, Oldtown, ID - 83822-7507
Heritage Christian Academy of North Idaho (26 miles)32168 N 5th Ave, Spirit Lake, ID - 83869
5830 West Blackwell Blvd, Spirit Lake, ID - 83869-1080
Life Prep Academy (27.5 miles)3461 Coyote Tr., Newport, WA - 99156
Boundary County Middle School (30.4 miles)6577 Main St, Bonners Ferry, ID - 83805-8521
Troy 7-8 (33 miles)116 East Missoula, Troy, MT - 59935
Mountain View Christian School (33.9 miles)510860 Hwy 95 N, Bonners Ferry, ID - 83805
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Find in Sandpoint
Schools of Sandpoint are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Sandpoint schools of that type.
- Preschools (6)
- Elementary Schools (8)
- Middle Schools (6)
- High Schools (4)
- Public Schools (9)
- Private Schools (3)
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