Middle Schools in San Jose, CA - Page 2
There's 105 middle schools found in San Jose, CA. This is more than one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of San Jose schools on this page to choose from.
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List of San Jose Middle Schools
Following is the list of all middle schools found in San Jose. The middle schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays middle schools from record 51 to 100. Navigate through other pages to find more middle schools in San Jose. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific middle schools from the list.
4849 Pearl Ave., San Jose, CA - 95136-2725
2790 S King Rd, San Jose, CA - 95122-1354
4 Wabash Ave., San Jose, CA - 95128-1931
141 Avenida Espana, San Jose, CA - 95139-1164
3435 Birchwood Ln, San Jose, CA - 95132-1308
1055 S. Monroe St., San Jose, CA - 95128-3150
4600 Student Ln., San Jose, CA - 95130-1762
1970 Morrill Ave., San Jose, CA - 95132-1637
1940 Cunningham Ave, San Jose, CA - 95122-1798
850 N. Second St., San Jose, CA - 95112-6317
1680 Foley Ave., San Jose, CA - 95122-2213
2800 Ocala Ave., San Jose, CA - 95148-1114
921 Fox Ln., San Jose, CA - 95131-1602
484 E. San Fernando St., San Jose, CA - 95112-2621
955 Piedmont Rd., San Jose, CA - 95132-2820
2650 New Jersey Ave., San Jose, CA - 95124-1520
3500 Amber Dr, San Jose, CA - 95117-2904
4950 Mitty Way, San Jose, CA - 95129-1867
3190 Quimby Rd., San Jose, CA - 95148-3022
1720 Hopkins Dr., San Jose, CA - 95122-1632
2050 Kammerer Ave., San Jose, CA - 95116-3020
4415 Fortran Ct, San Jose, CA - 95134-2308
1088 Brd.way, San Jose, CA - 95125-2232
4660 Eastus Dr, San Jose, CA - 95129-3246
1290 Ridder Park Dr. Mc213, San Jose, CA - 95131-2304
1290 Ridder Park Dr. Mc213, San Jose, CA - 95131-2304
1290 Ridder Park Dr. Mc273, San Jose, CA - 95131-2304
1325 Bouret Dr, San Jose, CA - 95118-2408
1800 Fruitdale Ave., San Jose, CA - 95128-4970
665 Wool Creek Dr., San Jose, CA - 95112-2617
3155 Kimlee Dr., San Jose, CA - 95132-3605
3190 Quimby Rd, San Jose, CA - 95148-3022
520 Sands Dr, San Jose, CA - 95125-6233
2278 Booksin Ave, San Jose, CA - 95125-4701
15325 Woodard Rd, San Jose, CA - 95124-2797
4601 Hyland Ave, San Jose, CA - 95127-2098
1051 W San Fernando St, San Jose, CA - 95126-3084
300 Oconnor Dr, San Jose, CA - 95128-1641
51 N 9th St, San Jose, CA - 95112-3489
1565 S White Rd, San Jose, CA - 95127-4754
3150 Sierra Rd, San Jose, CA - 95132-2854
3001 Ross Ave., San Jose, CA - 95124-2358
2605 Gassmann Dr., San Jose, CA - 95121-2812
1718 Andover Ln Ste 6, San Jose, CA - 95124-4704
1149 E. Julian St., San Jose, CA - 95116-1005
653 Sylvandale Ave, San Jose, CA - 95111-1414
5629 Lean Ave, San Jose, CA - 95123-3620
2130 Los Gatos Almaden Road, San Jose, CA - 95124
2315 Canoas Garden Ave., San Jose, CA - 95125-2005
715 Hellyer Ave., San Jose, CA - 95111-1584
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Find in San Jose
Schools of San Jose are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find San Jose schools of that type.
- Preschools (29)
- Elementary Schools (206)
- Middle Schools (105)
- High Schools (66)
- Public Schools (233)
- Private Schools (54)
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