High Schools in San Francisco, CA
There's 53 high schools found in San Francisco, CA. This is 26% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of San Francisco schools on this page to choose from.
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List of San Francisco High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in San Francisco. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays high schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more high schools in San Francisco. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific high schools from the list.
555 Portola Drive, San Francisco, CA - 94131
2690 Jackson St, San Francisco, CA - 94115-1123
555 Portola Dr, San Francisco, CA - 94131-1616
1000 Cayuga Ave, San Francisco, CA - 94112-3236
360 Ninth Ave, San Francisco, CA - 94118
400 Mansell St, San Francisco, CA - 94134-1829
325 La Grande Ave., San Francisco, CA - 94112-2866
693 Vermont St., San Francisco, CA - 94107-2635
2901 California St, San Francisco, CA - 94115-2432
1801 Vicente St, San Francisco, CA - 94116-2995
70 Oak Grove, San Francisco, CA - 94107-1019
70 Oak Grove, San Francisco, CA - 94107-1019
1160 Battery St Ste 40, San Francisco, CA - 94111-1215
1150 Francisco St., San Francisco, CA - 94109-1004
1430 Scott St., San Francisco, CA - 94115-3510
3625 24th St, San Francisco, CA - 94110
1350 7th Ave., San Francisco, CA - 94122-2508
1835 Ellis St, San Francisco, CA - 94115-4003
325 La Grande Ave., San Francisco, CA - 94112-2866
1195 Hudson Ave., San Francisco, CA - 94124-2488
350 Seneca Ave., San Francisco, CA - 94112-3248
755 Ocean Ave, San Francisco, CA - 94112-1896
2162 24th Ave., San Francisco, CA - 94116-1723
1101 Eucalyptus Dr., San Francisco, CA - 94132-1401
45 Conkling St., San Francisco, CA - 94124-1931
3250 19th Ave, San Francisco, CA - 94132-2000
3750 18th St., San Francisco, CA - 94114-2614
2355 Folsom St., San Francisco, CA - 94110-2010
1760 Cesar Chavez Ste R, San Francisco, CA - 94124-1136
1055 Ellis St, San Francisco, CA - 94109-7716
25 Whittier St, San Francisco, CA - 94112-4295
750 25th Ave., San Francisco, CA - 94121-3612
101 15th St, San Francisco, CA - 94103-5103
3301 Balboa St, San Francisco, CA - 94121-2703
3065 Jackson St, San Francisco, CA - 94115-1022
2938 Washington St, San Francisco, CA - 94115-1727
727 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, CA - 94102-3101
375 Woodside Ave. W1, San Francisco, CA - 94127
1325 Florida St., San Francisco, CA - 94110-4114
3045 Santiago St., San Francisco, CA - 94116-1526
655 Deharo St., San Francisco, CA - 94107-2727
2001 37th Ave, San Francisco, CA - 94116-1165
6210 Geary Blvd, San Francisco, CA - 94121-1822
838 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA - 94108-1304
838 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA - 94108-1304
35 Keyes Avenue, San Francisco, CA - 94129
1442 Fulton Ave, San Francisco, CA - 94117-1200
1563 Page Street, San Francisco, CA - 94117
40 Vega St, San Francisco, CA - 94115-3826
600 32nd Ave, San Francisco, CA - 94121-2733
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Find in San Francisco
Schools of San Francisco are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find San Francisco schools of that type.
- Preschools (17)
- Elementary Schools (144)
- Middle Schools (94)
- High Schools (53)
- Public Schools (126)
- Private Schools (77)
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