Elementary Schools in San Francisco, CA
There's 163 elementary schools found in San Francisco, CA. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of San Francisco schools on this page to choose from.
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List of San Francisco Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in San Francisco. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in San Francisco. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
180 Fair Oaks St, San Francisco, CA - 94110-2927
250 23rd Ave, San Francisco, CA - 94121-2009
450 Somerset St, San Francisco, CA - 94134-1724
3741 Buchanan St, San Francisco, CA - 94123
625 Douglas St, San Francisco, CA - 94114-3140
680 18th Ave, San Francisco, CA - 94121-3818
862 28th Ave, San Francisco, CA - 94121-3514
682 Schofield Road, San Francisco, CA - 94129
1050 York St, San Francisco, CA - 94110-3420
3351 23rd St, San Francisco, CA - 94110-3031
375 Seventh St, San Francisco, CA - 94103-4020
1360 Oakdale Ave, San Francisco, CA - 94124-2724
825 Shotwell St., San Francisco, CA - 94110-3212
333 Dolores Street, San Francisco, CA - 94110
350 Brd.way St, San Francisco, CA - 94133-4503
52 Waller St, San Francisco, CA - 94102
1250 Waller St., San Francisco, CA - 94117-2919
500 Clarendon Ave, San Francisco, CA - 94131-1113
455 Athens St, San Francisco, CA - 94112-2801
2725 California St, San Francisco, CA - 94115-2513
2222 Broadway St, San Francisco, CA - 94115-1240
801 Silver Ave, San Francisco, CA - 94134-1097
501 Cambridge St, San Francisco, CA - 94134-1609
1601 Turk St., San Francisco, CA - 94115-4527
865 Jackson St, San Francisco, CA - 94133-4852
175 Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco, CA - 94102-3809
50 Pomona Ave., San Francisco, CA - 94124-2344
659 Pine St, San Francisco, CA - 94108-3210
1801 Vicente St, San Francisco, CA - 94116-2995
70 Delta St, San Francisco, CA - 94134-2145
464 Diamond St, San Francisco, CA - 94114-2823
2550 25th Ave, San Francisco, CA - 94116-2901
3125 Cesar Chavez St, San Francisco, CA - 94110-4722
420 Filbert St., San Francisco, CA - 94133-3002
151 Lippard Ave., San Francisco, CA - 94131-3249
503 Cambridge St, San Francisco, CA - 94134
165 Grattan St., San Francisco, CA - 94117-4208
859 Prague St., San Francisco, CA - 94112-4516
3741 Buchanan St, San Francisco, CA - 94123-1710
2120 Broadway St, San Francisco, CA - 94115-1396
1035 Gilman Ave., San Francisco, CA - 94124-3710
810 Silver Ave., San Francisco, CA - 94134-1012
2521 Scott St, San Francisco, CA - 94115-1196
1560 40th Ave, San Francisco, CA - 94122-3099
65 Chenery St., San Francisco, CA - 94131-2706
1725 Irving St., San Francisco, CA - 94122-1893
7070 California St, San Francisco, CA - 94121-1710
1335 Guerrero St, San Francisco, CA - 94110-3622
1530 43rd Ave., San Francisco, CA - 94122-2925
1215 Carolina St., San Francisco, CA - 94107-3322
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Find in San Francisco
Schools of San Francisco are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find San Francisco schools of that type.
- Preschools (19)
- Elementary Schools (163)
- Middle Schools (111)
- High Schools (59)
- Public Schools (128)
- Private Schools (103)
Find Elementary Schools in California
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