High Schools in San Diego, CA
There's 103 high schools found in San Diego, CA. This is 28% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of San Diego schools on this page to choose from.
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List of San Diego High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in San Diego. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays high schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more high schools in San Diego. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific high schools from the list.
4860 Oregon Street, San Diego, CA - 92116
3715 Sixth Avenue, San Diego, CA - 92103
4041 Oregon St., San Diego, CA - 92104-1706
10170 Huennekens St., San Diego, CA - 92121-2964
10170 Huennekens St., San Diego, CA - 92121-2964
730 45th St., San Diego, CA - 92102-3619
4027 Normal St, San Diego, CA - 92103-2617
2820 Roosevelt Rd Ste 104, San Diego, CA - 92106-6146
4110 Palm Ave, San Diego, CA - 92154-1740
7050 Eckstrom Ave, San Diego, CA - 92111
11555 Clews Ranch Rd, San Diego, CA - 92130-0269
5951 Village Center Loop Road, San Diego, CA - 92130
5156 Santo Rd., San Diego, CA - 92124-2037
5555 Del Mar Heights Rd, San Diego, CA - 92130-1368
3051 El Cajon Blvd, San Diego, CA - 92104-1321
4260 54th St., San Diego, CA - 92115-6009
4150 Ute Dr, San Diego, CA - 92117-5853
4764 Santa Monica Ave, San Diego, CA - 92107-2209
625 Pennsylvania Ave, San Diego, CA - 92103-4321
2255 Camino Del Rio S, San Diego, CA - 92108-3605
4191 Colts Way, San Diego, CA - 92115-6023
1228 S 38th St, San Diego, CA - 92113-3230
16601 Nighthawk Lane, San Diego, CA - 92127
4348 54th St., San Diego, CA - 92115-5300
395 11th Ave. 6th Fl., San Diego, CA - 92101
1313 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA - 92101-4717
4201 Randolph St, San Diego, CA - 92103
5060 Shoreham Pl Ste 130, San Diego, CA - 92122
9915 Mira Mesa Blvd Ste 210, San Diego, CA - 92131-7002
1255 16th St., San Diego, CA - 92101-4759
1005 47th St., San Diego, CA - 92102-3626
3910 University Ave. Ste. 100, San Diego, CA - 92105-7302
6702 Wandermere Dr., San Diego, CA - 92120-3250
5725 Kearny Villa Rd Ste G, San Diego, CA - 92123-1134
2855 Farragut Rd., San Diego, CA - 92106-6029
2230 Truxtun Rd., San Diego, CA - 92106-6039
5331 Mt. Alifan, San Diego, CA - 92111-2622
2861 Womble Rd., San Diego, CA - 92106-6025
4100 Normal St. Annex 14, San Diego, CA - 92103
4474 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego, CA - 92115-4312
6130 Skyline Dr., San Diego, CA - 92114-5620
4431 Mt. Herbert Ave., San Diego, CA - 92117-4728
1954 Komet Way, San Diego, CA - 92111-5731
1954 Komet Way, San Diego, CA - 92111-5731
1954 Komet Way, San Diego, CA - 92111-5731
1954 Komet Way, San Diego, CA - 92111-5731
201 A St., San Diego, CA - 92101-4003
2710 Iris Ave., San Diego, CA - 92154-3338
9950 Scripps Lake Drive ##104, San Diego, CA - 92131
4777 Imperial Ave., San Diego, CA - 92113-2071
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Find in San Diego
Schools of San Diego are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find San Diego schools of that type.
- Preschools (36)
- Elementary Schools (255)
- Middle Schools (145)
- High Schools (103)
- Public Schools (286)
- Private Schools (80)
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