Elementary Schools in San Antonio, TX
There's 394 elementary schools found in San Antonio, TX. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of San Antonio schools on this page to choose from.
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List of San Antonio Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in San Antonio. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in San Antonio. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
9627 Adams Hill Dr, San Antonio, TX - 78245-1999
621 W Euclid, San Antonio, TX - 78212
1616 Blanco Rd, San Antonio, TX - 78212-2796
101 Dumont Dr, San Antonio, TX - 78227-4499
1507 Ceralvo St, San Antonio, TX - 78237-4312
6523 Cascade, San Antonio, TX - 78218-3142
6839 Babcock Rd, San Antonio, TX - 78249
11216 Bandera Rd, San Antonio, TX - 78249
467 Freiling Dr, San Antonio, TX - 78213-3907
24750 Baywater Stage, San Antonio, TX - 78255
630 Crestview Dr, San Antonio, TX - 78201-6622
1411 W Ashby Pl, San Antonio, TX - 78201-6337
2355 Camp Light Way, San Antonio, TX - 78245
142 E Amber Pl, San Antonio, TX - 78221-2499
1481 Hillcrest Dr, San Antonio, TX - 78228
2250 Pue Rd, San Antonio, TX - 78245
3300 N Loop 1604 W, San Antonio, TX - 78231
600 Oblate Dr, San Antonio, TX - 78216-7326
3022 Reforma, San Antonio, TX - 78211
310 Hollimon Pkwy, San Antonio, TX - 78253
925 S St Marys St, San Antonio, TX - 78205-3410
6614 Springtime Dr, San Antonio, TX - 78249-2799
515 Willow St, San Antonio, TX - 78202-1297
8555 Bowens Crossing, San Antonio, TX - 78250-2719
8631 Tezel Rd, San Antonio, TX - 78254
2015 S Flores St, San Antonio, TX - 78204-1990
975 Mission Springs, San Antonio, TX - 78258-7736
3839 Canyon Pkwy, San Antonio, TX - 78259-2367
10111 Terra Oak, San Antonio, TX - 78250-3380
1706 Pinn Rd, San Antonio, TX - 78227-2998
1001 Townsend Ave, San Antonio, TX - 78209-5199
5311 Merlin Dr, San Antonio, TX - 78218-2840
3635 Belgium Ln, San Antonio, TX - 78219
3635 Candleglen, San Antonio, TX - 78244-0249
20522 Stone Oak Pkwy, San Antonio, TX - 78258-6927
3110 Timber View, San Antonio, TX - 78251-1899
6839 Babcock Rd, San Antonio, TX - 78249
463 Holmgreen, San Antonio, TX - 78220
8151 Old Tezel Rd, San Antonio, TX - 78250-3084
225 Arizona St, San Antonio, TX - 78207
200 Lemonwood, San Antonio, TX - 78213-2409
343 Koehler Ct, San Antonio, TX - 78223-2999
530 Hoover St, San Antonio, TX - 78225-2229
24315 Bulverde Green, San Antonio, TX - 78261
4311 Clear Spring Dr, San Antonio, TX - 78217-3605
10403 Dugas Dr, San Antonio, TX - 78245-1099
231 E N Loop Rd, San Antonio, TX - 78216-1812
302 Heimer Rd, San Antonio, TX - 78232-4887
13185 Tillman Ridge, San Antonio, TX - 78253
834 W Southcross Blvd, San Antonio, TX - 78211-2745
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Find in San Antonio
Schools of San Antonio are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find San Antonio schools of that type.
- Preschools (334)
- Elementary Schools (394)
- Middle Schools (208)
- High Schools (157)
- Public Schools (519)
- Private Schools (87)
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