High Schools in Salem, OR
There's 16 high schools found in Salem, OR. This is 21% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Salem schools on this page to choose from.
Salem Map with High Schools
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List of Salem High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in Salem. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific high schools from the list.
4985 Battle Creek Rd Se Ste 107, Salem, OR - 97302-9684
4373 Market St Ne, Salem, OR - 97301-2029
3700 Chemawa Rd Ne, Salem, OR - 97305
4071 Winema Placebldg 50, Salem, OR - 97305-4404
10653 71st Ave Ne, Salem, OR - 97305-9734
5771 Fruitland Rd Ne, Salem, OR - 97317-3369
2440 Lancaster Dr Ne, Salem, OR - 97305-1292
765 14th St Ne, Salem, OR - 97301-2611
999-a Locust St Ne, Salem, OR - 97303-5254
3620 State St Se, Salem, OR - 97301
942 Lancaster Dr Ne, Salem, OR - 97301-2972
1910 Church St Se, Salem, OR - 97302-3018
2373 Kuebler Blvd S, Salem, OR - 97302-9403
1776 Titan Way, Salem, OR - 97304-1769
9045 Wallace Rd Nw, Salem, OR - 97304-9716
9075 Pueblo Ave Ne, Salem, OR - 97305-9712
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Find in Salem
Schools of Salem are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Salem schools of that type.
- Preschools (17)
- Elementary Schools (58)
- Middle Schools (24)
- High Schools (16)
- Public Schools (59)
- Private Schools (19)
Find High Schools in Oregon
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