Elementary Schools in Salem, OR
There's 58 elementary schools found in Salem, OR. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Salem schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Salem Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Salem. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in Salem. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
4985 Battle Creek Rd Se Ste 107, Salem, OR - 97302-9684
4612 Auburn Rd Ne, Salem, OR - 97301-4914
1640 Waln Drive Southeast, Salem, OR - 97306
2623 Doaks Ferry Rd Nw, Salem, OR - 97304-1318
410 14th St Se, Salem, OR - 97301-6315
4915a Sunnyside Rd Se, Salem, OR - 97302-3954
935 Hansen Ave South, Salem, OR - 97302-5921
395 Marion St Ne, Salem, OR - 97301-3524
2400 Walker Rd Ne, Salem, OR - 97305
1500 Doaks Ferry Rd Nw, Salem, OR - 97304-2457
999a Locust Ave Ne, Salem, OR - 97301-7143
1132 19th St Ne, Salem, OR - 97301-2252
4868 Buffalo Dr Se, Salem, OR - 97301-5984
500 Elma Ave Se, Salem, OR - 97317-5621
10653 71st Ave Ne, Salem, OR - 97305-9734
725 Market St Ne, Salem, OR - 97301-1198
4000 Deerhaven Dr Ne, Salem, OR - 97303-1368
4900 Bayne St Ne, Salem, OR - 97305-3590
2112 Linwood St Nw, Salem, OR - 97304-2134
4545 Ward Dr Ne, Salem, OR - 97304-3158
530 Highland Ave Ne, Salem, OR - 97303-6899
1104 Savage Rd Ne, Salem, OR - 97301-2899
510 Idylwood Dr Se, Salem, OR - 97302-3902
2085 Wilmington Ave Nw, Salem, OR - 97304
4930 Herrin Rd Ne, Salem, OR - 97305-3625
5650 Venice St Se, Salem, OR - 97306-9839
4871 Liberty Rd S, Salem, OR - 97306-2418
770 Chemeketa St Ne, Salem, OR - 97301-3840
5771 Fruitland Rd Ne, Salem, OR - 97317-3369
466 Mcgilchrist St Se, Salem, OR - 97302-3773
1650 46th Pl Se, Salem, OR - 97317-6672
1055 Electric Ave Se, Salem, OR - 97302-2157
3513 12th St Se, Salem, OR - 97302-2662
2160 Jewel St Nw, Salem, OR - 97304-3647
999-a Locust St Ne, Salem, OR - 97303-5254
1770 Baxter Rd Se, Salem, OR - 97306-1140
8995 Sunnyview Rd Ne, Salem, OR - 97305-9554
5500 Reed Ln Se, Salem, OR - 97306-9366
4227 Lone Oak Rd Se, Salem, OR - 97302-5750
466 Richmond Ave Se, Salem, OR - 97301-1189
1650 Brush College Rd Nw, Salem, OR - 97304-1408
942 Lancaster Dr Ne, Salem, OR - 97301-2972
3495 Liberty Rd S, Salem, OR - 97302-4606
2140 16th St Ne, Salem, OR - 97301-0496
4875 Justice Way S, Salem, OR - 97302-2226
4700 Arizona Ave Ne, Salem, OR - 97305-2705
1274 Cunningham Lns, Salem, OR - 97302
1350 Ct St Ne, Salem, OR - 97301-4127
373 Winter St Ne, Salem, OR - 97301-3833
1015 Columbia St Ne, Salem, OR - 97301-7265
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Find in Salem
Schools of Salem are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Salem schools of that type.
- Preschools (17)
- Elementary Schools (58)
- Middle Schools (24)
- High Schools (16)
- Public Schools (59)
- Private Schools (19)
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