Private Schools in Saint Paul, MN
There's 28 private schools found in Saint Paul, MN. This is 14% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Saint Paul schools on this page to choose from.
Saint Paul Map with Private Schools
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List of Saint Paul Private Schools
Following is the list of all private schools found in Saint Paul. The private schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific private schools from the list.
1220 McKnight Road South, Saint Paul, MN - 55119
329 Dayton Ave, Saint Paul, MN - 55102-1816
325 Dayton Ave, Saint Paul, MN - 55102
2119 Stillwater Ave E, Saint Paul, MN - 55119-3508
1536 Minnehaha Ave W, Saint Paul, MN - 55104-1208
355 Marshall Ave, Saint Paul, MN - 55102-1898
1365 Englewood Ave, Saint Paul, MN - 55104-1070
2017 Bohland Ave, Saint Paul, MN - 55116-1998
1550 Summit Ave, Saint Paul, MN - 55105-2274
2625 Larpenteur Ave E, Saint Paul, MN - 55109-5098
515 Albert St S, Saint Paul, MN - 55116-1611
130 Howell St N, Saint Paul, MN - 55104-7535
1758 Ford Pkwy, Saint Paul, MN - 55116-2120
592 Arlington Ave W, Saint Paul, MN - 55117-4222
780 Helmo Ave N, Saint Paul, MN - 55128-6016
2051 Larpenteur Ave E, Saint Paul, MN - 55109-4785
1900 Stanford Ave, Saint Paul, MN - 55105-1611
4665 Hodgson Rd, Saint Paul, MN - 55126-6040
15455 Embry Path, Saint Paul, MN - 55124-7299
1533 Dayton Ave, Saint Paul, MN - 55104-6307
530 Lafond Ave, Saint Paul, MN - 55103-1672
2004 Randolph Ave #4050, Saint Paul, MN - 55105
1757 Conway St, Saint Paul, MN - 55106-5929
1712 Randolph Ave, Saint Paul, MN - 55105
1060 Central Ave W, Saint Paul, MN - 55104-4753
1065 Summit Ave, Saint Paul, MN - 55105-3004
636 Mississippi River Blvd S Ste 1, Saint Paul, MN - 55116-1084
768 Hamline Ave S, Saint Paul, MN - 55116-2224
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Find in Saint Paul
Schools of Saint Paul are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Saint Paul schools of that type.
- Preschools (93)
- Elementary Schools (118)
- Middle Schools (81)
- High Schools (67)
- Public Schools (172)
- Private Schools (28)
Find Private Schools in Minnesota
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