Middle Schools in Saint Joseph, IL
There's 1 middle school found in Saint Joseph, IL. This is about one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Saint Joseph schools on this page to choose from.
Saint Joseph Map with Middle Schools
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List of Saint Joseph Middle Schools
There is only one middle school listed in Saint Joseph. Click on the middle school name bellow to find detailed information on it.
Po Box 409, Saint Joseph, IL - 61873-0409
Other Middle Schools Nearby
The following middle schools are located nearby Saint Joseph.
Heritage Jr High and Elementary School (6.6 miles)512 W 1st St, Homer, IL - 61849-1215
Champaign Co Detention Center (7.5 miles)400 Art Bartell Rd, Urbana, IL - 61802-2879
2106 E Windsor Ln, Urbana, IL - 61802-9572
Juvenile Detention Center (7.6 miles)400 Art Bartell Rd, Urbana, IL - 61802-2879
Kingswood School (8.6 miles)2111 N Willow Rd, Urbana, IL - 61801-1131
Urbana Gerber School (8.6 miles)1301 N Cunnigham Ave, Urbana, IL - 61801
1204 N Division Ave, Urbana, IL - 61801-1870
1201 South Vine St, Urbana, IL - 61801-5016
1203 W Green St, Urbana, IL - 61801-2905
Prairieview-ogden Jr High School (8.9 miles)2499 County Road 2100 E, Thomasboro, IL - 61878-9650
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Find in Saint Joseph
Schools of Saint Joseph are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Saint Joseph schools of that type.
- Preschools (1)
- Elementary Schools (2)
- Middle Schools (1)
- High Schools (1)
- Public Schools (3)
Find Middle Schools in Illinois
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